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MeetingTechnical Guidelines on Aquaculture Certification
<i>Meeting document COFI:AQ/IV/2008/Inf.7</i>
2008 -
Book (stand-alone)Guidelines on procedures for the registration certification and testing of new pesticide application equipment 2001The guidelines in this document outline how governments can influence pesticide safety by controlling the quality of new pesticide application equipment manufactures in or imported into a country. They address government officials in plant protection, environmental and other concerned authorities. By incorporating into national legislation a requirement for manufacturers and importers to declare that application equipment meets acceptable, international standards of safety and durability, or to set up national or regional testing and certification procedures, it should be possibble gradually to reduce and ultimately to eliminate substandard application equipment from farms.
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetISO14001 Certification 2017ISO 14001 is the most notable set of core standards to be found in the ISO 14000 family. The ISO 14000 standards manage environmental responsibilities that companies and organizations can be certified to. The standards are developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). ISO 14000 pertains to the process of how a product is produced, rather than to the product itself. Certification is performed by third-party organizations rather than being awarded by ISO directly. ISO 1400 1 is the only one of the ISO 14000 standards used for certification.
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