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Report of the sixth IDAF (Programme for Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa) Liaison Officers Meeting. Banjul, The Gambia, 1-5 February 1993

Anon., Report of the sixth IDAF liaison officers meeting Banjul, Gambia i - 5 February 1993 1993. Cotonou, Programme for the Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa, 60 p.,

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    Report of the Workshop on fisherfolk Organisations in West Africa. Banjul, The Gambia, 3-5 February 1993 1993
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    The grouping of fisherfolk in the artisanal fisheries sector is a natural and desirable phenomenon and they exist under a variety of names or titles. Indeed, some people are of the opinion that the grouping of fisherfolk is an important organizational framework for encouraging the participation of artisanal fisherfolk in the development and management of their fisheries. A good many fisherfolk organisations exist in the countries IDAF assists. Some have operated well and others not so well. Evidence is accumulating that fisherfolk organisations is one of the best tools of achieving a project's objective but they are not a cheap means of development. Considerable amount of energy, imagination, self commitment and effort are needed to put into a place a workable and successful fisherfolk organisation. In the endeavour to encourage the exchange of experience on the subject by its partners and clientele, IDAF commissioned seven case studies in three distinct socio-economic enviro nments by authors who are themselves actors in Fisherfolk Organisations. A Workshop was later organized at Banjul, The Gambia, from 3 - 5 February 1993 as a follow-up to IDAF Sixth Liaison Officers Meeting.
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    Rapport de la sixieme Reunion des Fonctionnaires de Liaison du DIPA (Programme pour le Developpement Integre des Peches Artisanales en Afrique de l'Ouest) (Banjul, Gambie, 1-5 fevrier 1993) 1993
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    La Sixieme reunion des fonctionnaires de liaison du DIPA qui a eu lieu au Centre International de Trypanotolerance (CIT) de Banjul, sur l'aimable invitation du gouvernement gambien, les 1er et 2 fevrier 1993, suivie d'un atelier sur les Organisations des pecheurs. qui a tenu ses travaux du 3 au 5 fevrier 1993 dans le meme cadre s'inscrit dans l'effort du Programme de rechercher des strategies appropriees a travers des concertations regulieres pour un meilleur encadrement des communautes de pec heurs.Au-dela de la participation massive enregistree a ce forum (18 Fonctionnaires de liaison sur 20), Banjul aura permis de realiser entre techniciens une evaluation critique,objective et exhaustive des actions menees ou envisagees dans les divers pays couverts par le DIPA. Mais Banjul a surtout consacre l'esprit d'equipe qui doit prevaloir entre les differents acteurs ou intervenants au Programme pour le plus grand bien des communautes de pecheurs.C'est ainsi que les Fonctionnaires de liais on sont plus que jamais convaincus de la necessite de jouer pleinement leur role de collaboration etroite, d'animation de groupe et dechange permanent entre les divers centres d'interet du Programme. D'ailleurs en application du principe de l'approche participative que le Programme prone, les participants ont designe trois representants (Fonctionnaires de Liaison) pour faire partie du groupe de travail charge d'elaborer le document de la troisieme phase eventuelle du projet.En fait, toutes les r ecommandations issues des travaux sont pertinentes. Elles procedent d'une somme impressionnante d'experiences pratiques et ont un caractere operationnel. Le rapport de la sixieme reunion des Fonctionnaires de Liaison ainsi que les documents de travail etudies au cours de ces assises sont contenus dans cette publication. Nous esperons que les informations presentees contribueront a  l'echange d'idees et d'experiences si necessaire entre les acteurs impliques ou charges du developpement du Secte ur de la peche artisanale.
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    Report of the Seventh IDAF Liaison Officers Meeting. Cotonou, Benin, 22-24 November 1993 1993
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    This report summarizes the activities undertaken by the Programme for Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa between January 1993 and November 1993. The IDAF Programme continues to cover the 20 coastal countries from Mauritania to Angola. The IDAF Programme is continuously aiming at applying an integrated and participatory approach working through existing projects, research institutions, and Departments of Fisheries which are the direct beneficiaries. Additionally so me 600,000 artisanal fishermen and about 2 million persons in linked activities as fish processing, distribution, marketing, etc. are the ultimate beneficiaries. The present phase II of the project is administratively coming to an end on the 31 December 1993. However, it is anticipated to continue activities to about March 1994 on savings from the second phase. A proposal for a phase III has been prepared by a team of Liaison Officers and IDAF staff on the basis of the recommendations of th e tripartite review (November 1992), which was endorsed by the Sixth Liaisons Officers Meeting. The proposal was forwarded to DANIDA with a request for continuous funding. In principle DANIDA is in favour of the proposed III phase of the IDAF project. However, the proposed budget exceeded the ceiling for DANIDA Trustfunding. Thus, it has been requested to draft a new proposal following the same lines but with a cut back in activities and budget. The response from DANIDA on the second project pr oposal is awaited. The Terminal Report for phase II is under preparation.

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