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FAO Subregional Newsletter – October 2016, Edition #27

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    FAO SAP Newsletter: February 2017, Edition #31 2017
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    The FAOSAP newsletter is a monthly publication that informs our stakeholders in the region of FAO activities in the Pacific region. Our stakeholders include: media, government agencies and the general public.
    The February 2017 edition includes the following articles: Horticultural Value Chains in Samoa; Climate Change mitigation in the Pacific; Survey to help farmers to supply consistently safe and quality food in Samoa.
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    FAO SAP Newsletter - March 2017, Edition #32 2017
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    The FAOSAP newsletter is a monthly publication that informs our stakeholders in the region of FAO activities in the Pacific region. Our stakeholders include: media, government agencies and the general public.
    The March 2017 edition includes the following articles: Communities committed to forest eco-system conservation in Savaii, Samoa; New training program launched in Fiji; Fisheries Junior Officer joins FAO.
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    FAO SAP Newsletter: January 2017, Edition #30 2017
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    The FAOSAP newsletter is a monthly publication that informs our stakeholders in the region of FAO activities in the Pacific region. Our stakeholders include: media, government agencies and the general public. The January 2017 edition includes the following: FAO officer for GEF arrives in Samoa; FAO focuses on Zero Hunger for 2017; FAO publication: Averting risks to the food chain.

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