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Sub-Regional Workshop on Artisanal Safety at Sea, Banjul, The Gambia, 26-28 September 1994 (Report and case studies)

Satia, B.P., J. Gallène, F. Houéhou, Sub-Regional Workshop on Artisanal Safety at Sea.1994 Banjul, The Gambia, 26 - 28 September 1994 IDAF Project, 57p.,

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    Data compendium on safety at sea for seven West African countries: Mauritania, Senegal, The Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Sierra-Leone and Cape Verde, 1991-1994 1995
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    Safety at sea, as the artisanal fisheries sector in general, has been neglected during decades. and policies were favouring industrial fisheries. Nevertheless, Goverments are now adopting a more realistic approach more in tune toward development, and more in agreement with the fishermen's needs. As a result, Senegal, Guinea and Cape Verde already have specific administrations dealing with safety at sea matters. With the exception of Senegal, Mauritania and Guinea, very few activities were real ized for the safety at sea in other countries. Therefore, the Department of Fisheries of seven countries of the sub-region; Mauritania, Senegal, The Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Sierra-Leone and Cape Verde ; in cooperation with IDAF, engaged in a methodic data collection on safety at sea and related accidents occured during fishing and transport activities from 1991 to 1994.Each year, artisanal fishermen paid a heavy price for these accidents at sea. disasters repited themselves, startin g from a simple capsizing without any serious consequences up to a collision between small and big boats and final wrecking. Causes of accidents are plenty the wind and the wavesappears to be the most importants. This result with a lot of death and injured. One should not forget the value of the material lost which is for this survey estimated at 1,261. 449 US Dollars. The results published in the present analysis demonstrate not only the high importance of the accidents dues properly to sea wor king conditions, their frequency, but also the importance of human and material losses. The data analysed shows that 518 accidents were declared to the investigators during the field work. During those accidents, 340 peoples died and 285 were injured. This survey is not exhaustive, because it was observed that people remain better the death than injuries on board. It can be believed also that with the time passing, the declaration obtained from those accidents sometime occured more than four years ago, lack of precision. Among the main factors having contributed to the accidents of the artisanal sector in the sub-region, we obtained by decreasing order: The wind with 153 cases. The waves with 185 cases. The Innatention, 66 cases. Engine failure, 35 cases. Overload of the boats, 33 cases. Disorientation, 26 cases. Fog, 23 cases. Panic, 23 cases. Various factors contributed to the accidents, however, it was observed that about 32 %of the disasters are due to negligence of the u sers. Among the boats surveyed, thoses with length comprised inbetween 12 and 22 meters are the most concerned, with 274 units being the victim of an accident. Data analysis revealed that for the totality of the boats included in the survey, more than 72 % are motorised units, using occasionally paddles and/or sail as auxiliary means of propulsion. Nevertheless, generally speaking, where the engine is the main means of propulsion, it is common to see small canoes going fishing without emergenc y sail and without any paddle on board. A long term work must be considered throughout sensitization field work for safety at sea.A programme for training of trainers in safety at sea matters within the Direction of Fisheries of the countries concerned appears as a priority.
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    Report of the sixth IDAF (Programme for Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa) Liaison Officers Meeting. Banjul, The Gambia, 1-5 February 1993 1993
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    The Sixth Meeting of IDAF Liaison Officers which took place at the International Trypanotolerance Centre (ITC) Banjul, at the kind invitation of the Government of the Gambia from 1 - 2 February 1993, and the Workshop on Fisherfolk Organisations which followed that meeting at the same venue from 3 - 5 February 1993. are in keeping with the Programme's endeavour to continuously seek appropriate strategies to improve its guidance and assistance to fisherfolk communities; through appropriate dialogu e and consultations among actors in the artisanal fisheries sector. In addition to the impressive participation (18 of 20 Liaison Officers), Banjul offered the technicians who were present an opportunity to make a critical, objective and exhaustive analysis of the actions undertaken or planned in the different countries covered by IDAF.The importance of the Banjul meeting is evidenced by the fact that the participants are aware of the fragility of results obtained, which results they promis ed to preserve and reinforce. But Banjul will be remembered in that it is an example of the Team Spirit which must prevail between different actors or participants in the Programme for the welfare of fisherfolks. Liaison Officers are conscious of the need for them to fully play their role of close collaborators of the Programme, animators of group action and actors in the permanent exchange of view points between the different interest groups in the Programme. In keeping with the participator y approach which the Programme promotes, participants designated three representatives (Liaison Officers) to the Working Group charged with elaborating the project document for a possible IDAF phase III.
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    Rapport de l'Atelier Sous-Regional sur la Securite en Mer a la Peche Artisanale (Banjul, Gambie, 26-28 septembre 1994) (Rapport et etudes de cas) 1994
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    Un atelier sous-regional sur la securite en mer s'est tenu a Banjul, Gambie du 26 au 28 septembre 1994. Organise par le Programme pour le Developpement Integre des Peches Artisanales en Afrique de l'Ouest (DIPA), cet atelier a reuni vingt deux delegues venus de la Mauritanie, du Senegal, du Cap-Vert, de la Gambie, de la Guinee Bissau, de la Guinee et de la Sierra Leone. Un representant du Centre canadien d'Etudes et de Cooperation Internationale (CECI) ainsi que des Fonctionnaires de la FAO ont aussi pris part aux travaux de l'atelier. Les objectifs dudit atelier etaient les suivants: analyser les resultats des enquetes nationales; identifier les problemes fondamentaux et examiner l'etat des activites en matiere de securite en mer dans les differents pays; preparer une ebauche de document de projet sur la securite en mer. Les participants ont passe en revue l'etat de la securite en mer dans les sept pays concerne qui forment la partie nord de la zone d'intervention du Programme DIPA. Des changements notables ont ete observes dans les flottilles de la peche artisanale de la sous-region ces 15 dernieres annees. Ces changements sont essentiellement lies au developpement de nouvelles pecheries et a l'introduction de nouvelles techniques de peche, ainsi qu'e la motorisation de plus en plus prononcee. Ces innovations ont favorise un accroissement substantiel des captures. Malheureusement, ce developpement est bien trop souvent accompagne de desagreables effets connexes e p lusieurs niveaux. L'une des consequences directes de ces effets connexes est que les pays ont vu se degrader, au fil des annees, leur tradition en matiere de navigation et d'habilete. Le resultat est le lourd tribut paye par les pecheurs chaque annee a la mer, en raison des accidents repetes, des naufrages allant du simple chavirement des bateaux sans serieuses consequences jusqu'a une collision fatale entre petits et grands bateaux.Les perils en mer peuvent atre dus a des causes naturelles, aux insuffisances liees a la performance des equipements, a la surcharge, au non-respect des regles de navigation, a une formation professionnelle inadequate... Au vu des statistiques ainsi etablies, les participants ont fermement recommande que l'accent soit davantage mis sur l'information, l'education et la communication ainsi que sur la formation et les demonstrations techniques.Toutes ces actions doivent etre entreprises en etroite collaboration avec les pecheurs eux-memes par les approches participatives.Aussi, les participants ont-ils souhaite la creation ou le renforcement des systemes d'assurance pour la peche artisanale qui prennent en charge les problemes lies au reglement des dommages. Cette assurance pourrait couvrir les cas de deces, les bateaux et equipements endommages, detruits ou perdus du fait d'accidents en mer. Les participants ont insiste sur la necessite de renforcer la securite en mer pour promouvoir la peche artisanale, gage de la securite aliment aire dans la sous-region. Enfin, l'atelier a examine et approuve un avant-document de projet sur la securite en mer. Les participants ont demande a la FAO de rechercher un financement pour ledit projet. Us ont aussi souhaite que la FAO en soit l'agence executrice, ils ont, par ailleurs recommande que ce projet ait son siege dans l'un des pays de la sous-region et qu'il entretienne une collaboration etroite avec le Programme DIPA.

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