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FAO ECTAD Annual Report 2018: Healthy Animals Healthy People

FAO, 2019. FAO Emergency Centre for Transboundary Animal Diseases. Annual report 2018 – Healthy Animals Healthy People. Jakarta. 

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    FAO Emergency Centre for Transboundary Animal Diseases (ECTAD). Protecting people and animals. Annual report 2017 2018
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    As part of the USAID Emerging Pandemic Threats 2 (EPT2) programme, FAO works closely with the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Environment and Forestry to build greater capacity to address emerging infectious diseases and zoonoses. The global health threat of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), was given greater attention within the ECTAD programme this year and both AMR and communicating One Health to the public will receive even more support in the final year of the EPT2 programme. To accomplish its objectives, the FAO Emergency Centre for Transboundary Animal Diseases (ECTAD) works closely with Government of Indonesia line ministries, local government Livestock and Animal Health Services, WHO, USAID, the Australia AIP-EID project, private sector partners and civil society organisations.
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    Laporan Tahunan FAO ECTAD 2018: Kesehatan Hewan Untuk Kesehatan Manusia 2020
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    Laporan Tahunan FAO Emergency Centre for Transboundary Animal Disease (ECTAD) Indonesia 2018 memaparkan resume komprehensif dan pencapaian dalam pencegahan dan pengendalian terhadap penyaki-penyakit dari hewan yang menular pada manusia (zoonosis) dan Penyakit Infeksi Baru atau Berulang (PIB). Beberapa sorotan utama adalah pengawasan rusa dalam penangkaran, galur tantang (challenge strain) untuk produksi vaksin Avian Influenza H5N1 lokal, peningkatan kesejahteraan komunitas melalui penggunaan dana desa, studi endemisitas pada bebek nomadik, survei AMR pada peternak broiler, dan sebagainya.
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    One health for a better future - Emergency Centre for Transboundary Animal Diseases (ECTAD) Indonesia. Annual report 2019 2021
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    This book serves as a comprehensive report on the organization's activities throughout the preceding year and summary 2016 - 2019 in milestones. It is intended to give the donors, partners and other stakeholders information about the programme and the achievements.

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