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Post-Harvest Loss Reduction for Enhanced Food and Nutrition Security in IGAD Member States - TCP/SFE/3702

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    Support for the Reduction of Post-Harvest Losses in Yardlong Beans, Papaya and Other Commodities in Suriname - TCP/SUR/3702 2022
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    One of the priorities of the Government of Suriname is intensifying agricultural trade relations with the Caribbean region Improving harvest practices and post harvest handling, transportation and storage infrastructure, and introducing and enforcing grades and standards for agricultural produce are among the main challenges for the sector, above all for intra and extra regional trade Suriname has identified post harvest loss reduction as a priority area requiring the strengthened application of technology innovation, research and development Post harvest losses are largely the result of knowledge, organizational and logistics gaps, including poor coordination between production and market actors, improper handling, transportation and packaging, poor storage and weak rural infrastructure These gaps result in diminished returns to producers, reduced availability of commodities for local markets and missed opportunities to enter export markets Export market access requires transformation of the marketing system for fruits and vegetables Fruit and vegetable producers need to shift from a production oriented to a market oriented focus Many small producers and other stakeholders of the fruit and vegetable sector are unaware of the quality and packaging requirements associated with specific market opportunities and risk being marginalized as a result.
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    Strengthening the Performance of Post-Harvest Systems and Regional Trade in Small-Scale Fisheries: Case Study of Post-Harvest Loss Reduction in the Volta Basin Riparian Countries 2015
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    This document contains the report of the situational analysis of post-harvest systems in the Volta Basin riparian countries, and presents proposals for interventions aimed to strengthen their efficiency, competitiveness and sustainability. This report summarizes the main activities implemented under the NEPAD–FAO Fish Programme (Support to the Implementation of the Strategy for Fisheries and Aquaculture in Africa-NFFP), focusing particularly on how its Output B4 “Mechanisms established for impro ving the performance of the fisheries and aquaculture post-harvest chain and regional trade” has been achieved. This first phase of the programme was carried out in the Volta Basin, which served as a pilot beneficiary area, to inform similar interventions in other shared waterbodies.
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    Guidelines on the measurement of harvest and post-harvest losses – Estimating fish and post-harvest loss measurement in Guyana
    Field test report
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    The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in collaboration with The Ministry of Agriculture in the Republic of Guyana organized and conducted a fish loss training/workshop. The training workshop held in Georgetown, Guyana from 25-29 November 2019. The main purpose of the training workshop was to test Fish Loss measurement tools and provide knowledge and values regarding global fish losses in the context of food security. This report presents details about the training workshop and experience gained from testing of the Guidelines on fish loss measurement. It includes situation analysis, Training Needs Assessment (TNA), selection of participants, goal and objectives, training description, preparation of training, delivery of training, and evaluation. In addition, some recommendations were provided for improving the Guidelines and future training workshops. The summative evaluation, based on candid opinion of trainees, suggest that the five (5) day training workshop was successful.

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