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Promoting Sustainable Development in Mountain Regions - GCP/GLO/204/MUL

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    Mountain sustainability - Building capacity to promote the sustainable development of mountain communities and ecosystems
    Partnership with the University of Torino
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    The scale-up note on the partnership between FAO and the University of Torino showcases some of the activities that have been undertaken to promote the development of capacities on sustainable mountain development and its link to the Sustainable Development Goals 1, 2, 6, 12, 13 and 15. The publication highlights the possibility for practitioners, technicians and officers from governmental organisations and NGOs to participate in courses focusing on the sustainable management of mountain areas characterized by high ecological, social and economic complexity.
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    Promoting Sustainable Soil Management through the Global Soil Partnership - GCP/GLO/961/MUL 2021
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    Soils are essential to life on Earth they regulate nutrients, greenhouse gases and water cycles, provide raw materials, host one quarter of terrestrial biodiversity and function as the largest terrestrial carbon pool. Moreover, soils contribute to human development and well being, delivering a range of ecosystem services. As such, soil degradation poses a serious threat to food security and nutrition, as well as climate change adaptation and mitigation measures. Despite their importance, the protection of soils has long been neglected. Soil sustainability is a key factor in making progress towards the SDGs, while the protection and conservation of soil resources remain critical to sustainable development. Importantly, sustainable soil management approaches can contribute to the prevention, minimization and reversal of degradation processes. Established in 2012, the Global Soil Partnership (GSP) acts as a mechanism to strengthen collaboration among stakeholders in soil sustainability and enhance synergies across interventions. Capitalizing on the GSP network, this project promoted sustainable soil management around the world through the delivery of normative and technical actions that aim to optimize human land use and management for the long term maintenance of soil properties and functions.

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