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International Year of Fruits and Vegetables (IYFV) 2021

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Fruit and vegetables – your dietary essentials
    The International Year of Fruits and Vegetables, 2021, background paper
    The International Year of Fruits and Vegetables 2021 (IYFV), as declared by the UN General Assembly in Resolution A/RES/74/244, aims at raising awareness of, directing policy attention to, and sharing good practices on the nutritional and health benefits of fruit and vegetable consumption, the contribution of fruit and vegetable consumption to the promotion of diversified, balanced and healthy diets and lifestyles, and reducing loss and waste of fruits and vegetables.This background paper outlines the benefits of fruit and vegetable consumption, but also examines the various aspects of the fruit and vegetable sector from a food systems approach: from sustainable production and trade to loss and waste management. This paper provides an overview of the sector and a framework and a starting point for discussion for the Year, highlighting the interlinkages of stakeholders and key issues to be considered for action during the IYFV.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    The role of diets and food systems in the prevention of obesity and non-communicable diseases in Fiji
    Gathering evidence and supporting multi-stakeholder engagement
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    Despite the lack of literature and inconsistencies in research aims and methods, it is evident that dietary intake has been shifting from traditional food consumption patterns to diets that are heavily reliant on imported and increasingly processed foods in Fiji. Availability of food items varies depending on location, however there is evidence of food environments with high availability of energy dense, nutrient poor foods, in both rural and urban locations. Food environments around vulnerable populations, for example schools, are of concern, with 80 percent of the outlets surveyed within 400 m school zones selling sugar-sweetened beverages. While the process of developing policies that support a healthy diet is enabled by Fiji’s whole-of-government commitment to improving food nutrition security, there are competing priorities and points of incoherence that deter this, particularly relating to economic growth. A range of specific policy measures have been introduced in Fiji by different government sectors that influence all facets of the food system. However, capacities required to develop and deliver policies are limited across government, primarily by the allocation of resources and technical expertise. This reduces the effectiveness of existing policy measures to support healthy diets, and the progression of new measures. A range of gaps and opportunities exist among the policy measures identified, and entry points lie throughout the food system and associated policy environment to improve dietary behaviour in Fiji.
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    International Year of Fruits and Vegetables 2021 Global Action Plan 2021
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    The International Year of Fruits and Vegetables (IYFV) 2021 Global Action Plan was elaborated and agreed upon by the IYFV International Steering Committee. The activities contained in this plan have been developed along the four main lines of action for this year: 1. Advocacy and Awareness Raising; 2. Knowledge Creation and Dissemination; 3. Policy Making; and 4. Capacity Development and Education. The Annex includes a list of additional activities developed and agreed by the IYFV International Steering Committee in line with the Lines of Action for the Year, but which were not included in the Global Action Plan for reasons including lack of funding and actions suggested for implementation at national and local level. However, this list could serve as a resource for potential partners who are interested in contributing to the Year.

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