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Ten Years of Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa (Origin, Evolution and Lessons Learned)

Satia, B. P., Ten years of Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa,1993 (Origin, Evolution and Lessons Learned). Cotonou, Programme for the Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa, 37 p.,

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Lessons learned from training artisanal fishermen in West Africa 1997
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    Development strategy during the 1960 and 1970s was based on the philosophy that developing countries lacked improved technology and capital for speeding up their development.' Industrialization was promoted in order to capitalize on the abundant fish resources. However, the anticipated expansion of the economy did not happen and the development approach shifted towards an integrated rural strategy where emphasis is put on the community as a whole to upgrade incomes and the quality of lif e through technical assistance and the active participation of fisher folk and the community.
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    Book (series)
    Report of the Workshop on Gender Roles and Issues in Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa, Lome, Togo, 11-13 December 1996 1997
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    The workshop was conducted to draw attention to the state of knowledge related to gender roles and issues in the artisanal fisheries sector in the region covered by the IDAF programme. The documents presented at the meeting are summaries of indvidual reports published by the IDAF programme, which covered 5 complementary studies analyzing: 1) income generated by women in the Koko fishing community of Nigeria; 2) the organization of women and the factors that favour or impede the sustainability of their activities in 2 fishing villages in the Gambia; 3) the nutritional hygiene and sanitation conditions of women and children in the fishing communities of Joal in Senegal and Limbe in Cameroon; and, 4) the elements and mechanisms of the participation of women in the implementation of the integrated project of Aguegues in Benin. Abstracts of the documents presented at the meeting, which have not yet been published, are cited individually in this issue of ASFA.
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    Report of the sixth IDAF (Programme for Integrated Development of Artisanal Fisheries in West Africa) Liaison Officers Meeting. Banjul, The Gambia, 1-5 February 1993 1993
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    The Sixth Meeting of IDAF Liaison Officers which took place at the International Trypanotolerance Centre (ITC) Banjul, at the kind invitation of the Government of the Gambia from 1 - 2 February 1993, and the Workshop on Fisherfolk Organisations which followed that meeting at the same venue from 3 - 5 February 1993. are in keeping with the Programme's endeavour to continuously seek appropriate strategies to improve its guidance and assistance to fisherfolk communities; through appropriate dialogu e and consultations among actors in the artisanal fisheries sector. In addition to the impressive participation (18 of 20 Liaison Officers), Banjul offered the technicians who were present an opportunity to make a critical, objective and exhaustive analysis of the actions undertaken or planned in the different countries covered by IDAF.The importance of the Banjul meeting is evidenced by the fact that the participants are aware of the fragility of results obtained, which results they promis ed to preserve and reinforce. But Banjul will be remembered in that it is an example of the Team Spirit which must prevail between different actors or participants in the Programme for the welfare of fisherfolks. Liaison Officers are conscious of the need for them to fully play their role of close collaborators of the Programme, animators of group action and actors in the permanent exchange of view points between the different interest groups in the Programme. In keeping with the participator y approach which the Programme promotes, participants designated three representatives (Liaison Officers) to the Working Group charged with elaborating the project document for a possible IDAF phase III.

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