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Enabling sustainable food systems

Innovators’ handbook

FAO and INRAE. 2020. Enabling sustainable food systems: Innovators’ handbook. Rome.

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Consumers and Mediterranean diet: towards food systems transformation
    Webinar outcomes, 26 January 2023
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    During this webinar, organized by the SFS-MED Platform and held on 26 January 2023, stakeholders from across the Mediterranean shared experiences and successful cases from the consumer perspective, including on transparent information and consumer education and innovative pathways for sustainable public procurement. Panelists and speakers highlighted how consumers should be at the center of all elements of the food system, from food research to food production and procurement, as well as food industry, environments and marketing. The discussion was instrumental in demonstrating that empowering consumers to make informed food choices is key to enabling the transformation of Mediterranean food systems. In this context, the Mediterranean diet can be a strategic resource for driving transformative change, with its environmental, social, cultural, health and economic benefits. Education for sustainable consumption enables individuals and social groups to become actors of change by providing knowledge, values and skills to make environmentally friendly, ethically sound, and responsible decisions as consumers. Moreover, involving consumers in research and innovation processes (consumer-driven data) is needed to better understand their needs and preferences. Finally, targeted policy frameworks and multi-stakeholder partnerships can leverage public food procurement schemes to promote the Mediterranean diet, while supporting local economies and environmental sustainability.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Thinking about the future of food safety
    A foresight report
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    Agrifood systems are undergoing a transformation with the aim to provide safer, more affordable, and healthier diets for all, produced in a sustainable manner while delivering just and equitable livelihoods: a key to achieving the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. However, this transformation needs to be executed in the global context of major challenges facing the food and agriculture sectors, with drivers such as climate change, population growth, urbanization, and natural resources depletion compounding these challenges.Food safety is a keystone to agrifood systems and all food safety actors need to keep pace with the ongoing transformation while preparing to navigate the potential threats, disruptions, and challenges that may arise. Foresight in food safety facilitates the proactive identification of drivers and related trends, both within and outside agrifood systems, that have implications for food safety and therefore also for consumer health, the national economy, and international trade. Early identification and evaluation of drivers and trends promote strategic planning and preparedness to take advantage of emerging opportunities and address challenges in food safety.In this publication, the FAO Food Safety Foresight programme provides an overview of the major global drivers and trends by describing their implications for food safety in particular and for agrifood systems by extrapolation. The various drivers and trends reported include climate change, changing consumer behaviour and preferences, new food sources and production systems, technological advances, microbiome, circular economy, food fraud, among others. The intended audience for this publication is broad – from the policymakers, academia, food business operators, private sector, to all of us, the consumers.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Consumers and Mediterranean diet: towards food systems transformation
    Thursday 26 January 2023 | 9:30-11:00 (CET)
    Also available in:

    This series of technical webinars is organized to leverage the knowledge and expertise of a network of researchers, development practitioners and decision-makers. The webinars aim at strengthening knowledge sharing and stimulating debate around themes relevant to food systems transformation in the Mediterranean, peer exchange about recent research and study findings, as well as showcasing successful and inspiring actions to promote the operationalization of food systems approaches. This webinar will bring together stakeholders from across the Mediterranean to present concrete experiences and successful cases from the consumer perspective, including on transparent information and consumer education and innovative pathways for sustainable public procurement. Consumers should be at the center of all elements of the food system, from food research to food production and procurement, as well as food environments and marketing. Bringing together representatives from consumers and their organizations, experts from research centres, international organizations and educational networks, the webinar will provide a forum for exchange on the role of consumers in a more sustainable food system agenda in the Mediterranean. The webinar will aim to address a key question: what is the role of consumers in shaping more sustainable food systems and what are the implications for rethinking Mediterranean diets?

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