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Enabling sustainable food systems

Innovators’ handbook

FAO and INRAE. 2020. Enabling sustainable food systems: Innovators’ handbook. Rome.

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    Policy brief
    Transforming Food Systems: Pathways for Country-led Innovation 2022
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    The need to urgently transition food systems to net-zero, nature-positive that can nourish all people, leaving no one behind is more critical than ever. The COVID-19 pandemic has furthered deepened complex challenges we already face from hunger and nutrition, climate and nature, and societal inequity. Innovation offers a profound opportunity to achieve these transitions and help unlock challenges across food systems. The white paper ‘Transforming Food Systems: Pathways for Country-led Innovation’, published by the World Economic Forum Food Systems Initiative and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), presents an action-oriented roadmap for countries looking to accelerate and scale inclusive innovation that meet the needs of all stakeholders in the food system and support countries to invest in their capability to innovate. The roadmap builds on the work of the Innovation Lever of Change, a key component of the UN Food Systems Summit, hosted by UN Secretary-General António Guterres, in September 2021. The Innovation Lever convened a diverse community of nearly 80 organizational partners representing the public, private and social sectors who promoted the adoption of a wider, more holistic view of innovation – one that is inclusive of local and traditional knowledge; mobilizes national innovation ecosystems, catalyzes institutional and social innovation; and employs fit for purpose technologies such as the power of data and digital solutions.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Consumers and Mediterranean diet: towards food systems transformation
    Webinar outcomes, 26 January 2023
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    During this webinar, organized by the SFS-MED Platform and held on 26 January 2023, stakeholders from across the Mediterranean shared experiences and successful cases from the consumer perspective, including on transparent information and consumer education and innovative pathways for sustainable public procurement. Panelists and speakers highlighted how consumers should be at the center of all elements of the food system, from food research to food production and procurement, as well as food industry, environments and marketing. The discussion was instrumental in demonstrating that empowering consumers to make informed food choices is key to enabling the transformation of Mediterranean food systems. In this context, the Mediterranean diet can be a strategic resource for driving transformative change, with its environmental, social, cultural, health and economic benefits. Education for sustainable consumption enables individuals and social groups to become actors of change by providing knowledge, values and skills to make environmentally friendly, ethically sound, and responsible decisions as consumers. Moreover, involving consumers in research and innovation processes (consumer-driven data) is needed to better understand their needs and preferences. Finally, targeted policy frameworks and multi-stakeholder partnerships can leverage public food procurement schemes to promote the Mediterranean diet, while supporting local economies and environmental sustainability.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Systèmes alimentaires durables
    Un manuel pour s'y retrouver
    Les systèmes alimentaires durables sont essentiels pour assurer la sécurité alimentaire et une alimentation saine pour les générations futures. Pour faire la transition vers la durabilité, de nombreuses activités du système alimentaire doivent se transformer, et une myriade d’acteurs à travers le monde doivent agir localement. Certains changements sont plus faciles à mettre en place que d’autres, mais savoir comment naviguer à travers ces changements pour promouvoir des modes de consommation et de production durables exige un ensemble de compétences complexes. Ce manuel, adressé aux «innovateurs de systèmes alimentaires durables», est rédigé par un groupe d’innovateurs d’Asie, d’Afrique, des Amériques et d’Europe qui mènent des initiatives pour cultiver, partager, vendre et consommer des aliments plus durables dans leur contexte local. Le manuel inclut des expériences de changement dans l’organisation des systèmes alimentaires locaux pour les rendre plus durables. Il est rédigé sous la forme d’un «livre dont vous êtes le héros» où chaque lecteur ou groupe de lecteurs peut identifier ses priorités et développer son parcours d’apprentissage et d’action. Les sujets abordés dans ce manuel sont répartis en trois groupes d’innovations organisationnelles: l’engagement des consommateurs, la production durable et la mise en marché des produits.

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