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Book (series)CIFA - Report of the eighth session of the Sub-Committee for Lake Tanganyika. Lusaka, Zambia, 18-21 May 1999. / CPCA - Rapport de la huitième session du Sous-Comité pour le lac Tanganyika. Lusaka, Zambie, 18-21 mai 1999 FAO Fisheries Report/FAO Rapport sur les pêches. No. 620. Harare, FAO. 2000. 40p. 2000
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No results found.This document is the final report of the eighth session of the Committee for Inland Fisheries of Africa Sub-Committee for Lake Tanganyika, which was held in Lusaka, Zambia, from 18 to 21 May 1999. The major topics discussed were the implementation of the Lake Tanganyika Research Project, Lake Tanganyika framework fisheries management plan, collaboration with other projects on Lake Tanganyika and strengthening of the future role of the Sub-Committee. The summary of the main recommenda tions and decisions is shown in Appendix E. -
Book (series)Report of the second session of the Regional Commission for Fisheries. Muscat, Oman, 18-21 May 2003 / ÊÞÑíÑ ÇáÏæÑÉ ÇáËÇäíÉááåíÆÉ ÇáÅÞáíãíÉ áãÕÇíÏ ÇáÃÓãÇß ãÓÞØ – ÚãÇä ¡ 18-21 ãÇíæ/ÃíÇÑ 2003 2004
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No results found.The second session of the Regional Commission for Fisheries (RECOFI) was attended by delegates from seven members of the Commission as well as by observers from the Environmental Research and Wildlife Development Agency (RDWA), the United Nations Environment Programme/Regional Office for West Asia (UNEP/ROWA) and the WorldFish Center. The report provides information on the topics reviewed during the second session of RECOFI. The official opening of the session was made by Dr Younis Al-Akhzami, D irector General, Fisheries Resources, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of the Sultanate of Oman. A two-day technical meeting preceeding the Commission session was organized for the purpose of reviewing the technical preparations in support of the Commission session. The session was organized to review the progress of the RECOFI relevant issues of concern in the Gulfs Region as well as the progress of the first session recommendations. The Commission endorsed the recommendation to establish a standing Working Group on Aquaculture (WGA) and its Terms of Reference and a Working Group on Statistics (WGS). The Commission also reviewed the next intersessional work in relation to budgetary issues. -
Book (series)CIFA - Report of the eighth session of the Sub-Committee for Lake Tanganyika. Lusaka, Zambia, 18-21 May 1999. / CPCA - Rapport de la huitième session du Sous-Comité pour le lac Tanganyika. Lusaka, Zambie, 18-21 mai 1999 FAO Fisheries Report/FAO Rapport sur les pêches. No. 620. Harare, FAO. 2000. 40p. 2000
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No results found.This document is the final report of the eighth session of the Committee for Inland Fisheries of Africa Sub-Committee for Lake Tanganyika, which was held in Lusaka, Zambia, from 18 to 21 May 1999. The major topics discussed were the implementation of the Lake Tanganyika Research Project, Lake Tanganyika framework fisheries management plan, collaboration with other projects on Lake Tanganyika and strengthening of the future role of the Sub-Committee. The summary of the main recommenda tions and decisions is shown in Appendix E. -
Book (series)Report of the second session of the Regional Commission for Fisheries. Muscat, Oman, 18-21 May 2003 / ÊÞÑíÑ ÇáÏæÑÉ ÇáËÇäíÉááåíÆÉ ÇáÅÞáíãíÉ áãÕÇíÏ ÇáÃÓãÇß ãÓÞØ – ÚãÇä ¡ 18-21 ãÇíæ/ÃíÇÑ 2003 2004
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No results found.The second session of the Regional Commission for Fisheries (RECOFI) was attended by delegates from seven members of the Commission as well as by observers from the Environmental Research and Wildlife Development Agency (RDWA), the United Nations Environment Programme/Regional Office for West Asia (UNEP/ROWA) and the WorldFish Center. The report provides information on the topics reviewed during the second session of RECOFI. The official opening of the session was made by Dr Younis Al-Akhzami, D irector General, Fisheries Resources, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of the Sultanate of Oman. A two-day technical meeting preceeding the Commission session was organized for the purpose of reviewing the technical preparations in support of the Commission session. The session was organized to review the progress of the RECOFI relevant issues of concern in the Gulfs Region as well as the progress of the first session recommendations. The Commission endorsed the recommendation to establish a standing Working Group on Aquaculture (WGA) and its Terms of Reference and a Working Group on Statistics (WGS). The Commission also reviewed the next intersessional work in relation to budgetary issues.
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