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Book (stand-alone)Access to rural land and land administration after violent conflicts 2005This guide on Access to rural land and land administration after violent conflicts has been prepared to assist land tenure and land administration specialists who are involved with the reconstruction of systems of land tenure and land administration in countries that are emerging from violent conflict. Providing secure access to land is particularly complex in such situations. Violent conflicts typically result in the displacement of much of the population. At the end of the conflict, people ret urning home may find that others occupy their property. There may be several competing, legitimate claims to the same land as a result of successive waves of displacement. Many people may not be able to recover their lands and have to settle elsewhere. At the same time, weak capacity in central and local levels of government may hamper the process of resolving claims to land, and especially claims of the vulnerable which almost invariably include women and children, and may also include ethnic o r political minorities. The guide provides advice on specific issues that should be considered by land tenure and land administration specialists when working in post-conflict situations. It provides an overview of the conditions that typically exist in a country after a violent conflict, and shows why it is important to resolve issues of access to land and land administration. The guide identifies key aspects that should be analysed during initial assessments, and gives examples of short-t erm actions that may be implemented relatively quickly. It presents policy considerations for the restitution of land to rightful claimants and the resettlement of people who are landless or who cannot return to their homes.
Book (series)Gender and land compendium of country studies 2005
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From the outset, the development of agriculture has been strongly associated with women’s endeavour. In fact, women’s contribution to agriculture goes back to the origins of farming and the domestication of animals when the first human settlements were established more than 6 000 years ago. Over the years, the division of responsibilities and labour within households and communities tended to place farming and nutrition-related tasks under women’s domain. Nowadays, in many societies women continue to be mainly responsible for family food security and nutrition. Nevertheless, the institutional framework and policy environment have not necessarily evolved to respond to the goals of human and social reproduction; on the contrary, they have been subordinated to financial and profit-making goals. Gender, together with other social and economic factors, determines the individual’s and group’s access to and control over resources. Cultural norms and social practices, as well as socio-economic factors, are among the main obstacles women face in this regard. In practice, although most national legal codes have explicitly incorporated legal provisions acknowledging gender equality in relation to access and ownership of land and other productive resources, it has been noted that women’s rights to own resources on equal conditions to those of men are repeatedly disregarded or overlooked. -
Book (series)The culture of access to mountain natural resources
Policy, processes and practices
2003Also available in:
No results found.This study investigates the political and contentious nature of access to mountain natural resources by poor, disadvantaged and marginalized people, including women and youth, and the policy processes associated with access and development over time. This study has been commissioned by FAO to look at sustainable livelihoods approaches to access to natural resources in mountain areas. We concentrate on access by poorer and marginalized groups to policy processes whereby long-term sustainable acce ss to resources is achieved. We have concentrated on the forestry sector for a number of reasons. First, it is the most important sector as regards access to natural resources in Nepal. Second, there is more written and analysed on this sector than on virtually any other. Third, in many ways and for reasons we shall explain in the report, the forestry sector is the most significant as regards ‘access’ issues in the contemporary democratic political context in Nepal.
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