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Rice Market Monitor - February 2003

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    Rice Market Monitor - November 2003 2003
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    Despite a recent deterioration of prospects for global paddy production this season, a recovery from the 2002 low levels continues to be foreseen, with 2003 global paddy production now forecast to grow by 3 percent to 591 million tonnes. Much of the year-to-year increase would be on account of India, where production is forecast to rise by 18 percent. Sizeable production gains are anticipated in several other Asian countries, in particular Bangladesh, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Myanma r, Pakistan, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam. Those increases will more than offset an expected contraction in China, Japan and the Rep. of Korea.
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    Rice Market Monitor - May 2003 2003
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    With the 2002 paddy season virtually concluded, this issue of the FAO Rice Market Monitor reviews the major developments that have influenced the international rice market during the year. On the supply side, adverse weather conditions was a dominant factor which curbed production in most continents, but especially in Asia, large parts of Africa and Oceania. In particular, irregular and scarce monsoon rains and weak post-monsoon rains were responsible for poor crops in India, while the recurrence of an El Niño event depressed output in several countries, although its effects were generally milder than in 1997.
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    Rice Market Monitor - June 2003 2003
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    Based on the preliminary harvest results in the southern hemisphere and the planting intentions in the northern hemisphere, overall global rice output in 2003 is tentatively forecast at 396 million tonnes (592 million tonnes in paddy terms), 2 percent higher than the previous year’s depressed level. However, this figure is still highly tentative, since the final outcome will depend largely on the timing, extent and distribution of the Asian monsoon rainfall, which has an important bearin g on the global outcome...

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