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Book (series)Managing Africa’s water resources
integrating sustainable use of land, forests and fisheries
2012Also available in:
No results found.A lynch pin in water resources conservation in Africa is the integration of sustainable use of land, forests and fisheries. The present edition of Nature & Faune (Vol. 27, Issue #1) offers twenty articles from contributors working in and outside the African continent. It explores the different facets of the over-arching theme: “Managing Africa’s water resources: integrating sustainable use of land, forests and fisheries”. The articles reflect the interface between water resources and land, for estry and in-land fisheries management in the continent. Content and subject matter of articles featured contribute to the assessment of best practices, and offer applicable measures to ensure a secured access to abundant and good quality agricultural water, land, forests and fisheries -
MeetingForests and water. European Forestry Commission, 34th session, Rome, Italy. Timber Committee. Meeting of the Parties to the Convention on the Protection and use of Transboundary Watercourses and international lakes. Working group on Integrated Water Resou
Third meeting. Rome, 22–24 October, 2008
2008This note has been prepared for the plenary session of the European Forest Week on “Forests and Water” taking place on Thursday, 23 October 2008 1 . Its objective is to stimulate a lively and well informed discussion by providing the reader with background information and proposing questions which participants in the session may wish to address during the discussion. The note presents linkages between the forest and water sectors, discusses collaboration between the communities and presents international legal and policy frameworks. -
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetForests and Water: managing our connected natural capital 2018
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No results found.The forest-water nexus is crucial for ensuring water and food security, as well as for achieving sustainable development objectives. Only by recognising the interlinkages of forests and water, and how the management of these resources influences productive multi-functional landscapes can appropriate long-term benefits from landscape planning and management be actualized. And while it is important that generalized assumptions about the forest-water nexus are not widely applied due to their complex and context specific nature, the knowledge is available to lend guidance. Ultimately, we must facilitate cross-sectoral engagement to improve our ability to design, implement, and learn from landscape approaches that both rely on the relationships between forests and water, and impact them. This is necessary if all countries are to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular those related to hunger (SDG 2), poverty (SDG 1), water (SDG 6), climate (SDG 13), energy (SDG 7), economic growth (SDG 8), sustainable cities (SDG 11) and life on land (SDG 15). In August 2017, parallel to World Water Week, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) hosted a meeting with 12 experts from the forest and water sectors. The meeting aimed to establish consensus on (i) issues and messages, (ii) develop key communication messages and strategies; and, (iii) develop joint activities for 2018-19 that promote the forest-water nexus. The successful meeting concluded by producing a joint statement on forests and water.
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