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    ÊÀ½çÓæÒµºÍË®²úÑøÖ³×´¿ö - 2002 (SOFIA) 2002
    During the past two years, the international fisheries community has achieved many important developments, and aquaculture too has received increasing attention. In many countries, international developments have been accompanied by actions aimed at broadening and strengthening fisheries management for the purpose of achieving sustainable fisheries and aquaculture. Results are slow to arrive, particularly in terms of rebuilding stocks or increasing fishers incomes, but this should be no surprise : scientists have warned repeatedly that most heavily exploited stocks will take time to recover if they can do so at all. Patience and perseverance are therefore essential, and fisheries management should foster such attitudes among all those concerned. The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture is one of FAOs important contributions in this regard. Its purpose is to provide some of the knowledge required for understanding the fisheries sector.
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    粮农组织经济鼓励措施和负责任渔业专家磋商会在粮农组织总部举行,会议从2000年11月28日开始,为期四天。以个人身份受到邀请的12名专家出席了磋商会。他们选举Jon Sutinen博士为磋商会主席,并通过了议程。议程包括三个主要问题:(i) 补贴的定义以及如何最好地对补贴进行分类;(ii) 补贴对渔业资源可持续性的影响;(iii) 补贴对鱼和鱼产品贸易的影响。 专家们在全体会议上讨论了关于为了分析补贴对资源可持续性和贸易的影响而如何确定‘补贴’的适当执行定义的问题。关于这一问题的讨论占了很多时间,结果是一致认为无法商定单个定义。专家们确定了四组补贴。第一组补贴大致与街上人们对‘补贴’一词的普遍了解相同。第二、三、四组补贴扩大了这一概念。第四组补贴包括可能积极或消极影响积极参与渔业部门的公司利益以及长期利益的政府所有行动?-?包括不采取行动。专家们建议将来的补贴讨论和分析活动参考这‘几组补贴’。 关于补贴影响的大多数讨论在工作组进行?-?一个工作组讨论补贴对贸易的影响,另一个工作组讨论补贴对可持续渔业资源的影响。专家们一开始对补贴进行分类以便于分析其影响。这两个工作组均发现按补贴 对公司的影响对补贴进行分类是切合实际的。它们分成‘收入增加’和‘费用减少’两类。然而,某些干预活动的影响不清楚,因此增加了第三类‘杂项/未详细说明’。对这些类别进一步分类以便于分析。 专家们然后询问关于补贴对贸易和渔业资源可持续性产生影响的实际知识状况。他们的结论是,关于影响的实际知识非常少。关于补贴对贸易的影响和补贴对渔业资源的影响方面情况均如此。 专家们然后根据他们关于现有数据和分析方法的知识以及他们对于当前补贴程度估计数的了解,继续确定关于补贴影响的进一步研究重点。关于对渔业资源的影响,将来的研究重点放在以下几类:‘资本扩大’、‘税收减免和延期’和‘价格支持’。关于对贸易的影响,专家们将重点放在将来对于‘降低投入物的相对价格’和‘减少捕捞努力量’的行动的研究以及对于‘管理和调整行动’的研究。专家们还讨论了有哪些方法最适合执行这些研究。
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    ŲÍþ£­Á¸Å©×éÖ¯¹²ÏíÓãÀà×ÊÔ´¹ÜÀíר¼Ò´èÉ̻ᱨ¸æ¡£2002Äê10ÔÂ7-10ÈÕ£¬Å²Íþ±°¶û¸ù 2003
    The Norway-FAO Expert Consultation was held in recognition of the fact that the management of shared fishery resources remains one of the great challenges on the way towards achieving long-term sustainable fisheries. The Expert Consultation considered, in particular, the management of transboundary fish stocks and straddling fish stocks. It directed itself to the practical problems to be faced in the management of these resources within the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, the 1995 UN Fish Stocks Agreement and other relevant international instruments. As such, the Expert Consultation was not designed to prescribe solutions, but was rather designed to serve as a neutral forum in which options and their implications for management could be reviewed in a constructive manner.

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