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Diagnostic Tool for Assessing Status of National Codex Programmes

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    Outil de diagnostic pour l’évaluation de l’état du programme national du codex 2016
    Les normes alimentaires, les directives et codes d’usage internationaux du Codex Alimentarius contribuent à assurer la sécurité sanitaire, la qualité et des pratiques loyales au niveau du commerce mondial des denrées alimentaires. Bien que d’application volontaire, ces textes sont reconnus dans le cadre des Accords de l'OMC comme normes de référence lors de différends commerciaux. Les textes du Codex constituent également une source inestimable de normes fondées sur des données scientifiques, d’ un usage simple, auxquelles les pays peuvent avoir recours pour améliorer la qualité et la salubrité de l’ensemble des aliments produits.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    FAO/WHO Diagnostic tool for assessing status of national Codex programmes 2017
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    The purpose of this Codex Diagnostic Tool is to provide a framework for countries to carry out a self-assessment of the current status of the national Codex programme. The Tool outlines the main elements, sub-elements, and best practices that need to be in place in any national Codex programme and through the process of self-assessment, countries can assess the collective capacity of the programme made up of individuals, processes and institutions. This includes assessing the capacity to effecti vely plan and participate in Codex sessions, to contribute scientific and technical input, to use Codex texts as a basis for national regulation and standards as appropriate, and to ensure Codex related activities and management of the programme are integral parts of the food safety control system. Using the results of the self-assessment countries identify areas in need of strengthening and capacity development, and can ensure the national Codex programme is fit for purpose, addresses nationa l interests and priorities and is adaptive to change and evolving needs. The results of the assessment can be used to inform ongoing national workplans and/or form the basis of a request for technical assistance if external support is required to improve national capacities. One potential source of external support is the FAO/WHO Codex Trust Fund (CTF2).
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