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DocumentIndependent evaluation of the workings of the International Plant Protection Convention and its institutional arrangements 2007The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) is an international treaty relating to plant health, to which as of September 2007 165 governments adhere. The Secretariat for the IPPC is provided by FAO and the Convention is governed by the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM). The WTO agreement on sanitary and phyto-sanitary matters (SPS) recognises the IPPC as the international standard-setting organization for the elaboration of international standards to help ensure that phytosani tary measures are not used as unjustified barriers to trade. Consequently, steps were undertaken to adapt the Convention to the new realities. This resulted in the development of a revised text which extended the Convention’s scope and mandate to include standard-setting, the promotion of the provision of technical assistance, and to address environmental concerns. The new revised text of the IPPC was adopted in 1997 and came into force in October 2005.
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetIndependent evaluation of FAO’s decentralization 2005This evaluation came ten years after the Director-General had introduced further decentralization as a major pillar in the comprehensive package of reforms launched in 1994. The central aim of the decentralization was to increase the Organization’s relevance and ability to act in proximity to the problems of member countries. It was also seen as an opportunity to enhance the use of national capacities, to achieve economies in implementation and to improve response time.
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetExamen indépendant du Programme de coopération technique 2005Le Programme de coopération technique (PCT) de la FAO a été lancé en 1976 avec des ressources du budget ordinaire de l’Organisation afin de répondre à des demandes urgentes d’assistance technique émanant des pays membres. Entre 1976 et la fin de 2004, 8 674 projets PCT ont été approuvés pour un montant total de 983 millions de dollars EU. Les critères régissant le PCT n’ont guère évolué sauf en ce qui concerne le plafond financier et la durée maximale des projets qui ont été portés en 1991 de 25 0 000 dollars EU à 400 000 dollars EU et de 12 à 24 mois, respectivement. Cependant, compte tenu des importants changements intervenus dans le programme et dans le contexte dans lequel il opère, un examen approfondi du mécanisme du PCT s’est avéré nécessaire.
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