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Book (series)Rapport de la consultation d'experts sur les programmes de documentation des prises Rome, 21-24 juillet 2015
FAO Rapport sur les pêches et l’aquaculture No. 1120
2016La Consultation d'experts sur les programmes de documentation des prises a été organisée par la FAO, avec l’appui de la Norvège, à Rome, du 21 au 24 juillet 2015. Les participants avaient pour tâche d'élaborer un projet de directives d’application volontaire sur les programmes de documentation des prises tenant compte des principes susmentionnés, qui serait présenté pour adoption au Comité des pêches, à sa trente-deuxième session, après examen par le Sous-Comité du commerce du poisson à sa quinz ième session et autres consultations techniques selon que de besoin. Le projet de directives, qui figure à l’Annexe D du présent rapport, est le fruit des travaux de la Consultation. Il se compose de neuf sections, selon la structure jugée la plus appropriée pour en organiser le contenu et assurer l'inclusion de tous les éléments nécessaires. Ces sections sont les suivantes: préambule, objet et champ d’application, objectif, définitions, principes, application des principes, exigences spécifique s des États en développement, normes et fonctions recommandées pour le programme de documentation des prises et, enfin, données requises et formules. -
Book (series)Report of the Expert Consultation on Interactions between Sea Turtles and Fisheries within an Ecosystem Context. Rome, Italy, 9-12 March 2004 2004An Expert Consultation on Interactions between Sea Turtles and Fisheries within an Ecosystem Context was convened by FAO and held in Rome, Italy, from 9 to 12 March 2004. The meeting was attended by 11 experts from seven countries, covering expertise related to sea turtle biology and conservation, fishing gear technology, fisheries management and socio-economics. The Expert Consultation was organized to provide technical input to the Technical Consultation to take place in Bangkok, Thailand, lat er in 2004, as agreed at the Twenty-fifth Session of the Committee on Fisheries, held in Rome, Italy, from 24 to 28 February 2003. This information paper provides a summary of the Consultation’s outcomes and outputs, including overviews of sea turtle status, fisheries impacts, possible managerial solutions, socio-economic aspects and recommendations for future work and actions.
No Thumbnail AvailableBook (series)Report of the Preparatory Meeting for the Consultation on the Management of Fishing Capacity, Shark Fisheries and Incidental Catch of Seabirds in Longline Fisheries. Rome, Italy, 22-24 July 1998. / Rapport de la Réunion préparatoire de la Consultation sur la gestion des capacités de pêche, l'aménagement des pêcheries de requins et la capture accessoire d'oiseaux de mer dans les pêches à la palangre. Rome, Italie, 22-24 juillet 1998. / Informe de la Reunión Preparatoria para la Consulta sobre la Ordenación de la Capacidad Pesquera, la Pesca del Tiburón y las Capturas Incidentales de Aves Marinas en la Pesca con Palangre. Roma, Italia, 22-24 de julio de 1998. 1998
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No results found.Delegations from 54 Members of the Organization and observers from 8 intergovernmental and international non-governmental organizations met at FAO Headquarters, 22–24 July 1998, to prepare for the Consultation on the Management of Fishing Capacity, Shark Fisheries and Incidental Catch of Seabirds in Longline Fisheries. At the end of its meeting it adopted this report. The meeting discussed draft plans of action for the conservation and management of sharks and for the reduction of the incidental catch of seabirds in longline fisheries, as well as elements for a draft plan of action for the management of fishing capacity. This report summarizes the debates that took place. It also contains the guidance provided by the meeting to the FAO Secretariat about how best to proceed with the development of the documents that will be presented to the Consultation proper (26–30 October 1998). This guidance includes inter alia recommendations to the effect that the plans of action must assign the r esponsibility for actions amongst States (including other fishing entities), regional fishery bodies and international organizations. The plans should include provision for implementation and monitoring, including the issue of how to promote compliance by non-members of regional fishery organizations as well as by flag-of-convenience vessels. It was requested that technical assistance needs of developing countries be specified. It was suggested that the cost for any activities to be carried out by FAO, as part of the implementation of any international plan of action, should not be covered by extra-budgetary sources alone. -
Book (series)Rapport de la consultation d'experts sur les programmes de documentation des prises Rome, 21-24 juillet 2015
FAO Rapport sur les pêches et l’aquaculture No. 1120
2016La Consultation d'experts sur les programmes de documentation des prises a été organisée par la FAO, avec l’appui de la Norvège, à Rome, du 21 au 24 juillet 2015. Les participants avaient pour tâche d'élaborer un projet de directives d’application volontaire sur les programmes de documentation des prises tenant compte des principes susmentionnés, qui serait présenté pour adoption au Comité des pêches, à sa trente-deuxième session, après examen par le Sous-Comité du commerce du poisson à sa quinz ième session et autres consultations techniques selon que de besoin. Le projet de directives, qui figure à l’Annexe D du présent rapport, est le fruit des travaux de la Consultation. Il se compose de neuf sections, selon la structure jugée la plus appropriée pour en organiser le contenu et assurer l'inclusion de tous les éléments nécessaires. Ces sections sont les suivantes: préambule, objet et champ d’application, objectif, définitions, principes, application des principes, exigences spécifique s des États en développement, normes et fonctions recommandées pour le programme de documentation des prises et, enfin, données requises et formules. -
Book (series)Report of the Expert Consultation on Interactions between Sea Turtles and Fisheries within an Ecosystem Context. Rome, Italy, 9-12 March 2004 2004An Expert Consultation on Interactions between Sea Turtles and Fisheries within an Ecosystem Context was convened by FAO and held in Rome, Italy, from 9 to 12 March 2004. The meeting was attended by 11 experts from seven countries, covering expertise related to sea turtle biology and conservation, fishing gear technology, fisheries management and socio-economics. The Expert Consultation was organized to provide technical input to the Technical Consultation to take place in Bangkok, Thailand, lat er in 2004, as agreed at the Twenty-fifth Session of the Committee on Fisheries, held in Rome, Italy, from 24 to 28 February 2003. This information paper provides a summary of the Consultation’s outcomes and outputs, including overviews of sea turtle status, fisheries impacts, possible managerial solutions, socio-economic aspects and recommendations for future work and actions.
No Thumbnail AvailableBook (series)Report of the Preparatory Meeting for the Consultation on the Management of Fishing Capacity, Shark Fisheries and Incidental Catch of Seabirds in Longline Fisheries. Rome, Italy, 22-24 July 1998. / Rapport de la Réunion préparatoire de la Consultation sur la gestion des capacités de pêche, l'aménagement des pêcheries de requins et la capture accessoire d'oiseaux de mer dans les pêches à la palangre. Rome, Italie, 22-24 juillet 1998. / Informe de la Reunión Preparatoria para la Consulta sobre la Ordenación de la Capacidad Pesquera, la Pesca del Tiburón y las Capturas Incidentales de Aves Marinas en la Pesca con Palangre. Roma, Italia, 22-24 de julio de 1998. 1998
Also available in:
No results found.Delegations from 54 Members of the Organization and observers from 8 intergovernmental and international non-governmental organizations met at FAO Headquarters, 22–24 July 1998, to prepare for the Consultation on the Management of Fishing Capacity, Shark Fisheries and Incidental Catch of Seabirds in Longline Fisheries. At the end of its meeting it adopted this report. The meeting discussed draft plans of action for the conservation and management of sharks and for the reduction of the incidental catch of seabirds in longline fisheries, as well as elements for a draft plan of action for the management of fishing capacity. This report summarizes the debates that took place. It also contains the guidance provided by the meeting to the FAO Secretariat about how best to proceed with the development of the documents that will be presented to the Consultation proper (26–30 October 1998). This guidance includes inter alia recommendations to the effect that the plans of action must assign the r esponsibility for actions amongst States (including other fishing entities), regional fishery bodies and international organizations. The plans should include provision for implementation and monitoring, including the issue of how to promote compliance by non-members of regional fishery organizations as well as by flag-of-convenience vessels. It was requested that technical assistance needs of developing countries be specified. It was suggested that the cost for any activities to be carried out by FAO, as part of the implementation of any international plan of action, should not be covered by extra-budgetary sources alone.
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