This section focuses on global normative frameworks, aquatic genetic resource management, biosecurity and disease control, innovation and technology to support sustainable aquaculture intensification and expansion to meet the growing demand for aquatic foods.
Progress in the development of the FAO Guidelines for Sustainable Aquaculture
From 2017, FAO worked with Members to develop the first ever Guidelines for Sustainable Aquaculture (GSA). This process included seven regional consultations involving 120 Members, and two expert consultations. The guidelines were technically endorsed at the Twelfth Session of the Committee on Fisheries Sub-Committee on Aquaculture (COFI:AQ) in May 2023, and submitted to the Thirty-sixth Session of the Committee on Fisheries (COFI) for adoption in July 2024.
The guidelines aim to provide guidance to Members on the sustainable development of aquaculture – the fastest-growing food production sector – consistent with the FAO 1995 Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF) and the FAO Blue Transformation Roadmap, and in line with the FAO Strategic Framework 2022–2031.
Overview of the guidelines
The GSA comprise three sections.
Section A describes the objectives and guiding principles of the guidelines:
- Objectives providing normative guidance for sustainable aquaculture policies: enhancing food security and nutrition; improving socioeconomic conditions for aquaculture-dependent communities; and promoting the sustainable use of aquatic resources.
- Principles forming the basis of the guidelines: sustainability, environmental stewardship, the rule of law, non-discrimination, equity and equality, consultation and participation, transparency and accountability, and holistic and integrated approaches.
Section B provides guidance for promoting sustainable aquaculture focusing on who, what and how to:
- develop and implement effective policy and planning, and legal and institutional frameworks, and integrate aquaculture into public policies for food systems and economic development, considering an ecosystem approach to aquaculture (Box 9);ag
- manage natural resources and aquaculture operations sustainably, considering the ecosystem and the impact of climate change and natural disasters, conserving aquatic biodiversity, managing genetic resources for sustainable seed supply, supplying sustainable feed, and strengthening biosecurity and animal welfare;
- enhance social responsibility, decent work, youth employment and gender equality, including women’s empowerment in aquaculture; and
- establish sustainable aquaculture value chains, transparent and predictable market access, and trade, including reduction of aquatic food loss and waste.
Following a multidisciplinary and participatory process, FAO has developed the Aquaculture Legal Assessment and Revision Tool (ALART)* – a two-step methodology to assess the national legal framework underpinning the aquaculture sector. As the aquaculture sector is diverse and complex, with different species, water environments, aquaculture systems and technologies, the first step of the ALART methodology entails scoping the aquaculture sector of a given country, identifying the type of species cultured, the areas where aquaculture is undertaken, and at what socioeconomic scale the sector operates.
The second step allows users the opportunity to comment on existing aquaculture legislation or policies. The set of 142 questions is organized into nine sections: policy issues, institutional arrangements, tenure arrangements, planning and approval, production (inputs), production (facility management), post-production, disease prevention and control, and inspection and enforcement. ALART is useful for identifying information and normative gaps in a country’s aquaculture sector, thus shedding light on the need for legislative reform or identifying areas for future research and development.
Complementing ALART is the FAO legislative study, “Legal frameworks for sustainable aquaculture”,** which not only provides information, but analyses the normative framework for aquaculture at the international and national levels, identifying the key elements of an appropriate legal framework for sustainable aquaculture development. The study clarifies the issues to be addressed both in aquaculture-specific laws and in other legislation (e.g. agriculture, the environment). ALART should be used in conjunction with the related legislative study to optimize the assessment of a country’s aquaculture legal framework. The ALART online portal*** provides the option of using ALART and the study online and in an interactive manner.
** See:
*** Available at a beta version of ALART currently under review (to be updated when the site goes live):
Section C provides guidance for supporting and monitoring the adoption and implementation of the guidelines, focusing on who, what and how to:
- establish mechanisms and services required to support sustainable aquaculture development, including funding and financing, research and innovation, communication, and capacity development;
- develop implementation arrangements and technical support; and
- monitor and report on the implementation of these guidelines as well as collect and analyse data on aquaculture development and performance.
Actions to implement the guidelines
Once adopted, the GSA are expected to play a key role in addressing the challenges and opportunities to accelerate sustainable aquaculture production and its contribution to food security and poverty alleviation, while protecting aquatic ecosystem function and biodiversity. It is also expected that FAO and country-level monitoring and reporting mechanisms will help identify challenges and the sharing of best practices. In this context, FAO will specifically:
- support Members to develop platforms to oversee the implementation of the guidelines, including enhanced data collection systems, aquaculture policy frameworks and the development of national action plans;
- support Members to update their data collection methodologies, develop performance measurement indicators, and monitor, evaluate and report on the development of sustainable aquaculture;
- provide specific technical support for Members to enhance the capacity of small- and medium-scale aquafarmers to maximize economic and social benefits and minimize environmental impacts (Box 10);
- work with Members and partners to mobilize resources to assist Members in implementing the GSA and in support of the Blue Transformation Roadmap, review progress regularly, and disseminate findings and best practices;
- support the Global Sustainable Aquaculture Advancement Partnership (GSAAP, see Box 19, p. 143) as a mechanism and process to assist Members in implementing the guidelines, including by exchanging experiences and disseminating innovative technologies;
- promote South–South and triangular cooperation and other collaboration mechanisms and partnerships to promote the implementation of the guidelines;
- prepare progress reports on GSA implementation for discussion at the COFI Sub-Committee on Aquaculture; and
- support Members to develop strategic planning for women and youth to increase their employment in aquaculture.
In aquaculture, aquapark, also known as “aquaculture park”, “aquaculture cluster” or “aquaculture village”, refers to an aquaculture organizational model developed to support small-scale aquafarmers throughout the value chain. An aquapark requires a specialized, well-organized and business-oriented infrastructure, and efficient and approved operational procedures. In general, an aquapark includes all the input supply chain facilities and logistics needed to provide seed, aquafeed and technical services, production components (i.e. workers and production assets), and processing, distribution and marketing components (i.e. traders, processors, cold storage, transport and marketing facilities, and logistics). Some aquaparks integrate other activities such as ecotourism or cultural demonstrations to enhance their business model.
Aquaparks have been introduced and established worldwide, but their model varies depending on local circumstances and business objectives. An aquapark may include “enterprises + farmers” (basic stage); “enterprises + cooperatives + farmers” (intermediate stage); or “leading enterprises + demonstration sites + cooperatives + farmers” (advanced stage).
Aquaparks are managed using a community-based approach to coordinate activities and professional support. Typically, a management team is responsible for coordinating and supervising production operations and supporting services. This approach reduces costs, creates synergies and fosters development. Government authorities at local or national level often guide the planning, providing technical, financial and policy support and incentives – both to attract public and private investment for infrastructures and access to inputs and resources, and to facilitate a business-oriented development of sustainable aquaculture.
The Maonan Tilapia Aquaculture Park is located in Maonan District, Maoming City, Guangdong Province, China, and covers 30 100 hectares (see figure). As of December 2022, this aquapark benefited 3 983 fish farming households and employed 12 617 workers, accounting for 73.45 percent of the total Maonan District aquaculture workforc (Zhang et al., 2024). The aquapark focuses on farming tilapia and has become an aquaculture industrial base in Guangdong Province, producing 800 million high-quality tilapia fingerlings annually. The annual aquafeed supply is 286 000 tonnes for an annual production of tilapia of almost 220 000 tonnes, generating an average yearly income of over USD 4 615 per capita along the entire value chain. In addition, 1 800 farmers have received technical training on tilapia farming and gone on to become key players in the demonstration sites. Meanwhile, almost 10 percent of the total aquaculture area is allocated for water treatment and purification, and various aquatic plants and filter feeders have been stocked and grown in surrounding water bodies, securing additional environmental benefits. In addition, good pond management practices (i.e. increasing dissolved oxygen in the water and conducting water exchange regularly) promote the healthy aquatic environment required for efficient production.

CREDITS: Nursery, Grow-out pond, Processed tilapia, Processing workshop and Hatchery workshop pictures © FFRC/Jun Qiang; Broodstock pond picture © FAO/Anton Ellenbroek.
The establishment of the aquapark and its operation benefited from a public–private partnership, with private operators contributing up to 60 percent of the financing, and the rest provided through provincial government (25 percent) and local government (15 percent) funding. The aquapark has adopted the development mode of “leading enterprises + demonstration sites + cooperatives + farmers”. The public sector has also supported several leading enterprises that each manage the development and operations of 10–20 demonstration sites. These enterprises provide fingerlings and feeds, technical training and services for aquafarmers to carry out grow-out production of tilapia, while cooperatives are responsible for attracting pre-production investments, selecting production technologies and boosting sales.
The guidelines will be mainstreamed in FAO’s programmatic work, advancing implementation of the Blue Transformation Roadmap to accelerate the sustainable production of aquatic foods.
The guidelines fully recognize that countries face diverse challenges and have different needs and capacities regarding aquaculture development, while also sharing significant challenges and opportunities in relation to investment and financing, technical capacity, access to aquatic resources, services, markets, and animal health. Through its Blue Transformation, FAO, together with its Members and partners, will leverage resources and means to address those challenges and support national strategies for sustainable aquaculture development, in line with the objectives, principles and recommendations of the Guidelines for Sustainable Aquaculture.
Supplying quality seed for aquaculture
The supply of adequate quantities of quality seed is critical to successful and sustainable aquaculture systems. The key elements of seed supply systems include: (i) species selection and diversification; (ii) effective and sustainable management and development of aquatic genetic resources (AqGR); (iii) improved breeding technology; and (iv) efficiency of supply chains.
It is important to find a balance between the establishment of new species for aquaculture (diversification) and the expansion and development of farmed types of existing cultured species (concentration). In this latter regard, there is a clear need to apply the basic principles of genetic management and accelerate appropriate genetic improvement in aquaculture. However, optimal species selection and genetic management alone do not guarantee success; efficient seed supply chains are also fundamental to meet demand for quality seed.
FAO data indicate that countries are currently farming around 730 aquatic species, and this number is constantly growing (see Farmed aquatic species and diversity, p. 23). However, it is also apparent that production is increasingly concentrated within a limited group of species. For example, the top 17 cultured species by volume represent about 60 percent of global aquaculture production, and 46 species contribute about 90 percent of production. Recently, Cai et al. (2023) explored patterns of species diversity in global aquaculture, identifying the drivers of species diversification (e.g. market demand/price and entrepreneurial endeavours) and revealing relatively low levels of diversity within countries, with an overall trend of decelerating diversification.
The multiplicity of drivers of both diversification and concentration of farmed species, however, makes it difficult to predict the future of species diversity in aquaculture, particularly in the context of climate change. National aquaculture policies and strategies should take a holistic and balanced approach to species diversification recognizing these multiple drivers, which include resource availability and allocation, climate change, impacts on aquatic biodiversity, aquaculture system development, market demand, and institutional factors. Box 11 presents the FAO global information system on aquatic genetic resources (AquaGRIS), while Box 12 introduces an emerging area for genetic resource management and improvement.
The global information system on aquatic genetic resources (AquaGRIS), developed by FAO, is the first ever global database to collect and store detailed information on existing farmed types and wild stocks of aquaculture species. A farmed type is a descriptor applied to farmed aquatic organisms at a level below species, including strain, variety, hybrid, triploid, monosex group, other genetically altered form, and wild type. The primary scope of AquaGRIS is to function as a tool for countries to build their own registries of aquatic genetic resources (AqGR) used for aquaculture and to monitor their conservation, sustainable use and development status. A national registry created using AquaGRIS provides a given country with a detailed overview of available AqGR, their characteristics and their management status, which can be used in the development or revision of national aquaculture strategies.
The figure shows examples of the information collected at different levels: species, farmed type, fishery management/assessment unit, and genetic stock. Once these data are validated by national focal points (NFPs), they can be accessed through a publicly accessible dissemination interface in a range of reporting formats.
The set of indicators integrated into AquaGRIS, known as resource indicators, were developed by FAO in consultation with countries. They are linked to the priority areas and strategic priorities of the Global Plan of Action for the Conservation, Sustainable Use and Development of Aquatic Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture.* AquaGRIS is, therefore, also an indispensable tool to monitor the future progress of the implementation of the Global Plan of Action at national and global scale. The availability of indicators for AqGR is a significant achievement and can have relevance beyond monitoring implementation of the Global Plan of Action. For example, Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Target 2.5 uses indicators for the status of crop and livestock genetic resources that do not currently include farmed aquatic biodiversity. In the future, any review of the current SDG indicators or ongoing work to implement the Convention on Biological Diversity Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (particularly Target 4) may make use of the AquaGRIS resource indicators.
Countries are encouraged, especially prior to the next global assessment due in 2029, to create their national registries using AquaGRIS, with the support of FAO. Once the initial registries are created, the AqGR information will be updated biennially. Some countries have already started to use AquaGRIS to create their national registries. The collection of information for creating a national registry is the responsibility of AqGR NFPs and will involve a range of national stakeholders as sources of updated information. The whole process has the benefit of improving communication and the flow of information among aquaculture stakeholders, paving the way for more harmonized reporting mechanisms nationally and globally.

Seaweeds are produced in over 56 countries worldwide (Cottier-Cook et al., 2023), contributing to the economies of rural coastal communities in low- and middle-income countries (see Box 21, p. 145). The vast majority (97 percent) of this production comes from aquaculture, but its sustainability is hindered by poor knowledge of the genetic and phenotypic diversity of cultured species; poor investments in breeding programmes; and the limited effectiveness of many regulatory frameworks (Brakel et al., 2021). Addressing these gaps is urgent, especially considering that overexploitation for farming purposes, combined with other factors such as pests, diseases and climate change, is contributing to declines in wild seaweed stocks around the world.
Seaweeds have complex, diverse and poorly understood life cycles, challenging the opportunity to close their life cycle for farming purposes and to develop genetic improvement programmes. Furthermore, farming of some species (e.g. Eucheuma spp. or Kappaphycus spp.) is based on asexual or vegetative reproduction with only rare cases of sexually reproductive individuals. Therefore, existing seaweed cultivars are often the result of natural selection or domestication without purposeful genetic improvement, with farmers playing a pivotal role in maintaining cultivar diversity. While some of these cultivars can be easily recognized by farmers based on specific agronomic traits, the lack of genetic information or informative genetic markers makes it difficult to reliably classify species and cultivars and to understand their distribution. Seaweeds also can have morphological plasticity, complicating their classification or description in the absence of any genetic characterization. Integrating farmers’ traditional knowledge with genetic information can help identify ideal candidate seaweed stocks and cultivars for genetic improvement programmes and for adaptation to specific conditions (Dumilag et al., 2023).
Some breeding programmes, mainly based on selective breeding and hybridization, and sometimes involving induction of mutation, have been established over past decades (e.g. for Pyropia spp., Saccharina japonica, Undaria spp.) and have generated seaweed farmed types produced on a large scale (Hwang et al., 2019). However, the development of farmed types that are stable under different environmental conditions remains a significant challenge.
Despite the recognized importance of seaweeds, their production and management are still not supported by effective national and international regulatory frameworks. In terms of conservation of seaweed stocks, for example, there is a lack of seaweed-specific legislation and almost no protected areas are purposely created for protecting seaweeds and their habitats (Cottier-Cook et al., 2023). Access and benefit-sharing is also less regulated compared to terrestrial plants. Although seaweeds are regulated under the Nagoya Protocol, they are not included in the scope of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, which would simplify and standardize mechanisms for material transfer (for research, education and commercial purposes), and reduce the cost (Brakel et al., 2021). Given the growing volume of seaweed production, there is a need to develop or improve seaweed regulatory frameworks, and to increase awareness of the specific challenges of seaweed cultivation, which may require specific and targeted genetic management approaches.
Cottier-Cook, E.J., Lim, P., Mallinson., S., Yahya, N., Poong, S., Wilbraham, J. Nagabhatla, N., Brodie, J. 2023. Striking a Balance: Wild Stock Protection and the Future of Our Seaweed Industries. Policy Brief, No. 06. UNU Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies.
Dumilag, R.V., Crisostomo, B.A., Aguinaldo, Z-Z.A., Hinaloc, L.A.R., Liao, L.M., Roa-Quiaoit, H.A., Dangan-Galon, F. et al. 2023. The Diversity of Eucheumatoid Seaweed Cultivars in the Philippines. Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture, 31(1): 47–65.
Hwang, E.K., Yotsukura, N., Pang, S.J., Su, L. & Shan, T.F. 2019. Seaweed breeding programs and progress in Eastern Asian countries. Phycologia, 58: 484–495.
In terms of species development, with the exception of a small number of well-advanced sectors such as Atlantic salmon or whiteleg shrimp, genetic management and improvement in aquaculture are still in their infancy. Ineffective or absent genetic management is commonplace and can result in loss of genetic variation, reduced performance due to inbreeding depression or hybrid introgression, and decreased potential for development of future farmed types. The adoption of good genetic management practices in breeding systems is critical in order to retain, over time, the genetic variation that forms the basis of a species’ potential to adapt to change and on which to build selective breeding programmes. Effective genetic management, even in the absence of genetic improvement, will ensure such genetic gains can be realized in the future, in notable contrast to genetic resources in terrestrial agriculture, where much genetic diversity was lost during domestication. Potential gains from selective breeding in aquatic species are thus highly significant and, consequently, breeding programmes can greatly enhance production efficiency in coming years, making significant contributions to the sustainable intensification of aquaculture production.
The development of aquaculture must be underpinned by a robust supply chain to ensure the constant supply of quality seed well adapted to prevailing farming systems but with the capacity to adapt to climate change. In aquaculture, only a few species have been “fully domesticated” (i.e. the full life cycle completed in captivity). Much of aquaculture is still largely based on wild-sourced seed, with relatively few cases of completely closed production cycles and even fewer of selection programmes focused on specific breeding goals. Using wild-caught seed should ensure high levels of genetic diversity in cultured stocks and low risks for the wild population (in case of escapes from farms), in addition to reduced operational costs for seed producers. However, this can also result in additional pressure to overexploit poorly managed wild stocks, as well as in uncertain seed supply. Moreover, wild-caught seed is minimally adapted to captive aquaculture environments and this could have negative impacts on productivity. There are a range of measures that can be adopted to ensure the production of quality seedah and its availability.
When seed production is hatchery-based, a wider adoption of genetic management and selective breeding programmes can help enhance seed quality and address production challenges such as infectious diseases and climate change. This requires adopting legal and institutional frameworks and effective certification schemes ensuring the quality of the broodstock used for producing seed (Varadi et al., 2002). Seed quality also depends on the dissemination system; this should be adapted to the species and the production technology, be appropriate to the geographic scale (e.g. local, national, transnational), and consider the inclusion of the private sector to facilitate the long-term economic sustainability of the supply chain (Shikuku, Ochenje and Muthini, 2021).
FAO is supporting countries to improve the genetic management of aquaculture species through the implementation of the Global Plan of Action for the Conservation, Sustainable Use and Development of Aquatic Genetic Resources (FAO, 2022c), a policy framework for rational and effective management of AqGR. To develop appropriate strategies for species diversification and concentration, countries should implement key elements of the Global Plan of Action and promote efficient seed supply chains. This will enhance the efficiency of their aquaculture sectors, helping to achieve the objectives and productivity targets of the Blue Transformation Roadmap for 2030, and to meet the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the targets of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.
Pathways to effective aquaculture biosecurity and disease control
Pathogens and the diseases they cause continue to be a major challenge for a sustainable aquaculture sector capable of reaching its full potential. A recent review (Subasinghe et al., 2023) described the challenges of managing biosecurity practices in aquaculture as wide-ranging and multifactorial. Twelve issues were specifically identified as requiring attention to design and implement efficient and effective biosecurity strategies and protocols. These are: (i) healthy seed; (ii) emergency preparedness and response; (iii) diagnostics; (iv) microbial management at the production level; (v) disease and pathogen surveillance; (vi) trade; (vii) policies and regulatory framework; (viii) welfare; (ix) research and technology development; (x) antimicrobial resistance; (xi) non-conventional ways of pathogen transfer; and (xii) the Progressive Management Pathway for Aquaculture Biosecurity (PMP/AB).
To achieve the full potential of aquaculture as an important aquatic food system, new approaches that build on existing knowledge and capacity at the enterprise, local, national and regional levels are required. The FAO PMP/AB is such an initiative, founded on a risk-based value chain approach to address disease challenges. The PMP/AB offers participating countries, no matter what their state of aquaculture development or biosecurity situation, an effective avenue to achieve aquatic biosecurity. It also offers the possibility of tracing an aquaculture product along its value chain, from wild population to hatchery, through grow-out to processing to market, and finally to the consumer.
Since its inception in 2018, a comprehensive set of guidance for the application of the PMP/AB has been published (FAO, 2023b). It advises how a country can progress towards its desired level of biosecurity. A key component for a country to begin its implementation is the development of a National Aquatic Organism Health Strategy (NAOHS) or Regional Aquatic Organism Health Strategy (RAOHS), which helps to identify and address areas of biosecurity that need to be developed or strengthened. Through the participation of 15 countries, FAO has recently assisted the Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific (NACA) in developing the NACA RAOHS that was formally adopted during NACA’s 32nd Governing Council Meeting in August 2023 as a policy document to guide the harmonized development of aquatic biosecurity in the region. This initiative will strengthen cooperation and the sharing of knowledge and expertise among the 19 NACA members and the harmonization of aquatic biosecurity policy related to international trade in live aquatic organisms and their products, facilitating trade among NACA members while reducing the spread of serious aquatic diseases. As NACA members constitute the top global aquaculture producers, the RAOHS is an important milestone regionally and globally.
A country, its aquaculture industry, farms and enterprises will benefit from the PMP/AB through:
- better biosecurity governance – to harness aquaculture production that is responsive to environmental and human-induced disease challenges;
- partnership, shared ownership and responsibilities – to provide a solid platform for public–private partnership through jointly developed, multistakeholder biosecurity strategies and implementation plans, thus ensuring buy-in and best fitness-for-purpose;
- tangible benefits to stakeholders at every stage – with co-management principles ensuring that problems are well-defined and management solutions identified;
- commitment to risk management – to establish risk ownership and promote active engagement and long-term commitment to risk management; and
- aquatic animal health sustainability – as a result of the above actions – reflecting collaboration among major stakeholders marked by coordinated efforts of various institutions and experts, pooled resources, shared knowledge, expertise and experiences to support biosecurity in aquaculture.
The PMP approach is now also being used to tackle antimicrobial resistance (PMP/AMR)ai and terrestrial animal biosecurity (PMP/TAB).aj It requires a good understanding of the relationship between host, pathogen and environment affected by human actions. Thus, host species, pathogen, environment and human management – supported by research, innovation and conducive policies – are the necessary ingredients for improving aquaculture biosecurity.
Equally important in reducing disease-related losses in aquaculture is the timely recognition that a disease problem exists, correctly diagnosing its cause and applying an appropriate management practice, control or treatment. The PMP/AB addresses this by improving disease identification among aquaculturists and increasing capacity and infrastructure for diagnostics. Good diagnostic capability is essential for protecting national borders against the entry of pathogens through imports of live aquatic organisms and their products, and for supporting disease surveillance, monitoring and reporting systems and programmes to determine the status of a pathogen and disease, detect outbreaks of new diseases, and ascertain their geographic distribution in the affected country.
Adoption of good aquaculture practices improves the welfare of cultured aquatic organisms by ensuring that they are reared under optimal environmental conditions, fed with a correct diet, and handled in ways that minimize the possibility of stress or suffering. Good welfare is directly related to reducing losses caused by diseases and increasing the profitability of aquaculture enterprises; it is also increasingly demanded by consumers.
The FAO–NACA aquaculture transformation guidance (FAO and NACA, 2023) includes an action area focused on implementing the PMP/AB and its toolkits, and on developing and implementing NAOHS and RAOHS. It also stresses the importance of the FAO Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance (2021–2025) (FAO, 2021b) for achieving the One Health goals, in particular the development of national action plans on AMR. Under the One Health approach, it is essential to further the prevention and control of diseases that spread between animals and humans, tackle AMR, and ensure food safety, aquatic animal health and implementation of international standards on sanitary and phytosanitary measures in aquaculture.
It is said that prevention is better than cure. Focusing on prevention – including of AMR (Box 13 and Box 14) – is a sign of a mature industry. Use of clean seed combined with good husbandry practices and biosecurity strategies in a less stressful and healthier aquatic environment are basic actions. Biosecurity should be considered alongside any aquaculture development, with special attention given to small-scale holders, who are potentially the weakest link and present the greatest risk if not provided with effective biosecurity support. Effective biosecurity, good husbandry practices, improved genetics and high-quality nutrition are important for producing healthy, nutritious and resilient farmed aquatic organisms (FAO, 2020, 2022b).
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a global threat caused by overuse and misuse of antibiotics in human and veterinary medicine, potentially impacting the effectiveness of antibiotics in the treatment of diseases. Among the many issues addressed by the Progressive Management Pathway for Aquaculture Biosecurity (PMP/AB) and the National Aquatic Organism Health Strategy/Regional Aquatic Organism Health Strategy (NAOHS/RAOHS) are mechanisms to curtail the misuse of antibiotics in the treatment of disease outbreaks in populations of cultured aquatic organisms, and their replacement with prevention and treatment methods that do not rely on these drugs.
The FAO Reference Centres for AMR and AB are institutions designated by the FAO Director-General to provide specific and independent technical and scientific advice on issues related to FAO’s mandate. To combat AMR, the Reference Centres assist in the implementation of FAO Resolution 4/2015, through the FAO Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance 2021–2025, which serves as a roadmap supporting global efforts of the food and agriculture sectors in addressing AMR. The following are examples of FAO Reference Centres (see figure) and their activities in aquaculture and prevention of AMR:
- The Pearl River Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, China, performs basic and applied research and pursues advances in the development of fisheries in the Pearl River and tropical and subtropical zones.
- The Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, China, focuses on research on the development and sustainable use of marine biological resources and has made pioneering contributions to the mariculture of fish, shrimp, crab, shellfish, seaweed and sea cucumber in China.
- Nitte University, India, is a multidisciplinary university with a vision to achieve excellence in education and health care; it is equipped with a state-of-the-art hospital, rural health centres and research centres carrying out both fundamental and translational research.
- The Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, is the UK Government’s Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs marine and freshwater science agency.
- Mississippi State University, United States of America, is a public, land grant institution with a nationally and internationally diverse student and faculty body. It is dedicated to three broad purposes: learning, research and service.
Although the use of antibiotics will continue, as they play a critical role in food security, people’s well-being, and animal and plant welfare, it should be in a responsible manner. Indeed, their misuse increases the risk of AMR, leading to the emergence of organisms resistant to antimicrobials and becoming a growing threat to human, animal or plant life. To prevent this threat, the Quadripartite organizations (World Health Organization, World Organisation for Animal Health, United Nations Environment Programme and FAO) are working together to accelerate a coordinated strategy on human, animal, plant and ecosystem health to achieve the One Health goals. The designation of FAO Reference Centres in 2022 is one step towards a better understanding of and improved collaboration in preventing the increase in AMR.

SOURCE: Adapted from FAO. 2023. FAO Reference Centres for Antimicrobial Resistance and Aquaculture Biosecurity – Combatting AMR together: ensuring healthy and safe aquatic foods. Rome.
FAO. 2021. The FAO Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance 2021–2025. Rome.
The Global Plan of Action on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), with contributions from FAO and the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH), was adopted during the 68th World Health Assembly in May 2015. During a high-level meeting on AMR at the Seventy-first Session of the United Nations General Assembly in September 2016, a political declaration was agreed to support the development and implementation of national action plans on AMR and related activities under the One Health platform.
The World Health Organization (WHO), FAO and WOAH have since agreed to step up joint actions to combat health threats associated with interactions between humans, animals and the environment.
In May 2017, the United Nations Secretary-General convened the UN Interagency Coordination Group on Antimicrobial Resistance (IACG on AMR), in consultation with FAO, WOAH and WHO (the Tripartite Members) to provide guidance on approaches for ensuring sustained global action on AMR. The IACG recommended that Member States support the accessibility of cost-effective alternatives to antimicrobials (see figure), particularly in low- and middle-income countries (IACG, 2019). Indeed, many alternatives to antibiotics have great potential for disease control; some have proven benefits, while others are still in the experimental stage. FAO (2019) emphasized the need for more knowledge and research in order to better understand the reasons for the successes and failures, cost implications, efficacy, practicality (especially for smallholders), adverse effects on the farm environment, and how such alternatives improve health and enhance host immunity.
In 2022, the Tripartite welcomed the United Nations Environment Programme and formally became the Quadripartite, an alliance to accelerate a coordinated strategy on human, animal and ecosystem health.*

SOURCES: FAO. 2019. Aquaculture development. 8. Recommendations for prudent and responsible use of veterinary medicines in aquaculture. FAO Technical Guidelines for Responsible Fisheries, No. 5. Suppl. 8. Rome. [Cited 24 November 2023].
IACG. 2019. No time to wait: securing the future from drug-resistant infections. Report to the Secretary-General of the United Nations. [Cited 24 November 2023].
The Blue Transformation Roadmap (2022–2030) (FAO, 2022a) prioritizes increased capacity on biosecurity, disease control and aquatic health management at local, national and global levels. This stresses the importance of priority actions pertaining to aquatic organism health management and disease control, aquaculture biosecurity, disease burden assessment, prevention of antimicrobial resistance, and early warning, risk assessment and emergency preparedness related to food safety and animal health.
Innovative aquaculture systems and aquafeed solutions
Innovative aquaculture systems
Innovation in aquaculture systems is essential for any intensification or expansion of sustainable and resilient aquaculture. Innovation has already boosted aquaculture’s growth in recent decades, contributing to global food security and socioeconomic development. Key benefits of innovative practices include production optimization (e.g. better seed and feed selection), alleviation of resource limitations, improved management, and enhanced connections between stakeholders along the aquaculture value chain.
Old becoming new
In recent decades, technological improvements in aquaculture systems, such as raceways and integrated food production, have resulted in increased efficiency and adoption of best practices. Integrated food production systems such as aquaculture–agriculture and integrated multitrophic aquaculture are experiencing a renewal because of their ability to optimize resource uses, improve income and contribute to food security.
In Nigeria, farmers are integrating aquaculture into rice farms. The University of Ibadan, Nigeria, and the University of Georgia, United States of America, in collaboration with FAO, are assisting farmers by selecting compatible fish species, refining resource management techniques, and incorporating local fish feed ingredients. Such innovation reduces the cost of production and provides nutritious fish protein for rice farmers and their communities.
Context-specific solutions
By supporting the transfer and adoption of innovative systems and technologies, FAO provides solutions to introduce aquaculture in regions where it did not exist before. For instance, producers are adopting innovative aquaculture systems in arid or desert ecosystems to overcome water scarcity (Box 15). Innovations such as the recirculating aquaculture system and biofloc technology are adopted in various regions to improve water efficiency and biosecurity (Label et al., 2021). However, innovations must be adapted to the specificities and needs of each region. Context-specific innovations have cascading positive impacts on local communities, making aquaculture an effective solution to improve food security and the livelihoods of many coastal communities.
The growing competition for land and water resources has led to the exploration of unconventional regions for the development of agriculture and aquaculture practices. Arid lands are one such frontier for adopting modern aquaculture practices to create new opportunities for fish farming. Sustainable and resilient integrated agriculture–aquaculture food systems able to adapt to arid conditions can help cope with resources scarcity and adjust to climate change. Available freshwater or brackish water resources can provide livelihood opportunities producing edible plants and aquatic foods, including fish.
Over the past decade, FAO has provided technical assistance to Algeria, Egypt, Ethiopia and Oman to implement integrated agriculture–aquaculture projects in arid lands. These projects, together with innovative technologies like aquaponics, have demonstrated that integrated systems can be cost-effective and suitable for both food self-sufficiency and small-scale commercial operations.
Since the 2010s, desert aquaculture has expanded, thanks to technological innovations and private sector investments supported by public incentives. For example, in Egypt, fish production from integrated agriculture–aquaculture systems increased from 700 to 2 200 tonnes between 2010 and 2017 through the establishment of some 100 farms in arid areas. Likewise, in Ouargla District, Algeria, there are now several small- to large-scale fish farms in the desert, boasting an annual production capacity of 2 000 tonnes (see photo).
Integrating aquaculture with agriculture in arid environments produces more benefits than conventional agriculture. This includes significantly reducing, and in some cases eliminating, the need for fertilizers. Crops benefit from the nutrients in fish farm water, and the same volume of farm water results in increased yields. In Egypt, Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) accounts for 90 percent of desert-based aquaculture production. Farms use underground saline water reserves, desalination plants and/or agricultural drainage. Water varies in salinity between 0.5 g and 26 g per litre and in temperature between 22 °C and 26 °C. European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) are other fish species suitable for farming in high salinity areas. Most commercial fish farms have adopted flow-through systems to irrigate agricultural land, enabling production of vegetables, fruits and arable crops, as well as clovers for feeding livestock. Aquaponics – linking fish production with soil-less plant production in recirculating systems – provides an additional option.
These systems may use desalinized brackish or seawater, rainwater, or treated or untreated municipal and industrial wastewater, selecting salinity-tolerant species. Efficient use of these alternative sources of water would certainly contribute to making integrated farming systems more productive and sustainable.
In 2013, FAO launched the Regional Initiative on Water Scarcity for the Near East and North Africa to address challenges of water resources management in the region and promote sustainable integrated agriculture–aquaculture production systems. Such a coordinated regional approach is crucial to raise fish and agricultural production, increase rural employment, and ensure sustainable integrated water resources management.
These efforts, together with private sector investments, research, and development initiatives, are paving the way for the transformation of these seemingly inhospitable regions into centres of agriculture–aquaculture innovation. With an integrated water resources management approach and efficient water use – an FAO priority area of work – desert and arid lands can indeed become areas for food production and economic growth in the coming years.
To learn more about agriculture–aquaculture, please visit the following resources:

© FAO/Valerio Crespi
Improved performance through technological advances
The adoption of technologies that promote precision farming and support decision-making and management significantly improves the performance of diverse aquaculture systems. Recent advances include the use of geographic information systems (GIS) for aquaculture planning and monitoring, sensors, robotics, bioinformatics, remote-operated equipment, and automated feeding structures. Digitalization is also driving the revolution of aquaculture by facilitating connections between stakeholders, providing access to knowledge and services, and supporting data collection and analysis (Box 16).
Digitalization of aquaculture is a transformative process based on the use of digital technologies along the production cycle to improve operations and create value. Aquaculture digitalization increases the amount and quality of data collected; furthermore, the systematic availability of data throughout the cycle facilitates analysis to inform management and control decision-making.
Digitalization links farmers, input suppliers, service providers and traders, strengthening and accelerating the connections across value chains and lessening many of the challenges faced in the sector. Off-farm, technologies – such as mobile phone applications, online information and communications technologies, e-commerce platforms, smart monitoring networks, internet of things sensors, big data analytics, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and digital payment systems – can improve marketing and reduce transaction costs.
Digitalization can also accelerate aquaculture transformation in developing countries by removing barriers to the collection, dissemination and use of data and technologies. Aquaculture digitalization requires inclusive capacity building to improve digital literacy and skills, in particular for young practitioners. FAO’s Blue Transformation Roadmap targets innovative technology and management to support the expansion and intensification of aquaculture by prioritizing actions that facilitate investment in digital, technological and management innovations.
However, the use of digital technologies should be properly regulated to mitigate possible infringements on personal and collective rights. FAO is paving the way for the digital transformation of aquaculture through a wide range of initiatives. These include the global Smart Aquaculture Biosecurity project,* which aims to assist countries to effectively implement biosecurity governance and best practices through smart and digital tools, and the global information system on aquatic genetic resources (AquaGRIS), which collects, validates, monitors and reports below the species level (see Supplying quality seed for aquaculture, p. 123, and Pathways to effective aquaculture biosecurity and disease control, p. 130).
During the last two decades, aquaculture in Africa has moved away from subsistence fish farming to commercial production and profit-oriented aquaculture. The transition requires technical support, and the provision of information, inputs and services in real time. To meet the needs of African fish farmers, Rhodes University (South Africa) has developed Buna Africa, an online platform designed to support the development and management of the aquaculture sector in Africa. Through the platform, farmers can submit to the government their production data, which are required to inform policy and formulate management and development plans. FAO is also supporting the implementation of Buna Africa in Rwanda and Uganda, providing farmers with technical support and services to increase production and efficiency. Buna Africa is also an entry point for service providers in the aquaculture sector to connect with fish farmers and government services, tracking production data in their area to inform policy and management decisions.
The operation and development of digital platforms and applications are accelerating aquaculture transformation in these countries, removing barriers that hinder access to technologies by all stakeholders, reducing transactional costs, and improving the quality and availability of data.

© FAO-GFCM/Claudia Amico

SOURCE: Adapted from Lan, H.-Y., Ubina, N.A., Cheng, S.-C., Lin, S.-S. & Huang, C.-T. 2023. Digital Twin Architecture Evaluation for Intelligent Fish Farm Management Using Modified Analytic Hierarchy Process. Applied Sciences, 13: 141.
Pioneering technologies, such as floating, submersible or platform-based cage systems, remote sensing, and remote-operated machines, are helping to overcome the challenges of offshore marine aquaculture. A study by FAO and the United Arab Emirates uses GIS to conduct suitability analysis in offshore and nearshore sites for aquaculture, while deploying a series of floating cages of assorted designs to optimize aquaculture for each specific location.
Technological innovations are improving farm management and driving the development and upgrading of regulatory and institutional processes promoting the engagement along the value chain of a wide range of stakeholders to foster innovative aquaculture systems as sustainability solutions. For example, in Chile, a collaboration between national organizations and FAO utilizes GIS to address marine spatial planning and coastal governance.
Aquafeed solutions
Innovations in aquafeed have been crucial for the sustainable intensification and expansion of aquaculture in recent times. Fed aquaculture still represents approximately two-thirds of global aquaculture. Typically, feed represents the highest expenditure and can represent up to 70 percent of the production cost. Optimal farm productivity requires feed that meets the nutritional requirements of the farmed species and the correct adoption of on-farm feeding management.
Noticeable growth in aquaculture has been supported by a better understanding of the nutritional requirements of farmed species, resulting in significant improvements in average feed conversion ratio from 1.8–3 to 1.2–1.8 over the past two decades (Glencross et al., 2023).
Commercial feeds have undergone significant technological advancements, with precision formulation ensuring the correct levels of amino acids and micronutrients, including probiotics and prebiotics, leading to improved health, survival and growth of farmed aquatic species (Romano, 2020). However, many small-scale producers with limited resources still depend on semi-commercial or farm-made aquafeeds, produced with insufficient guidance for manufacturing sustainable and nutritionally balanced feeds. FAO is preparing a training manual on production and management of aquafeed for small-scale farmers to disseminate widely the application of good feed production practices and on-farm feeding management.
Regional initiatives on aquafeed
In some regions, feed formulation and on-farm feeding management represent crucial limitations for expanding aquaculture. FAO has launched regional initiatives to assess country-specific demands for fed aquaculture and improved feeding management. This includes developing knowledge in rural areas on the best use of local ingredients (Box 17). In December 2023, WorldFish and FAO organized an expert workshop on local alternative ingredients, aquafeed supply, and on-farm feeding management in Africa. The workshop identified country-specific challenges and the requirements for technical assistance and capacity building. Furthermore, it promoted knowledge exchange and showcased technological innovations in aquafeed. In Turkmenistan, a joint project between the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection, the Ministry of Finance and Economy and FAO is addressing the aquafeed value chain and aquatic animal health management. The project aims to improve the quality of aquafeeds available to farmers focusing on farm-made aquafeeds.
Fish filleting yields by-products such as head, guts, bones and skin that can represent up to 70 percent of the whole fish by weight. These are of high nutritional value and can be processed into fish silage – a feed ingredient of high economic and nutritional value, easily digested by terrestrial and aquatic animals – or used as fertilizer for crop production. During the silage process, digestive enzymes from the fish break down proteins into amino acids and peptides. Usually, an organic acid is directly or indirectly added to preserve the product; this enables it to be stored for longer periods and has a positive impact on the gut health and immune system of farmed animals, particularly under unfavourable microbiological conditions (Olsen and Toppe, 2017). Fish silage could thus reduce the need to use antibiotics while improving growth performance. In diets with a high plant protein content, free amino acids and other compounds from fish silage have shown feed-attractant properties providing an excellent source of essential amino acids that are limited in most plant-based feed ingredients.
In addition to the demonstrated nutritional benefits, contributing to better animal growth performance, fish silage promotes a circular economy within the fish industry, reducing costs and improving the industry’s environmental footprint. For example, in Barbados, 3 000 tonnes of fish waste are produced annually, with approximately 8 tonnes discarded daily (King, Ouadi and Cox, forthcoming). Following confirmation by the Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute of the safety of using fish silage-based feed, a livestock growth performance study was carried out; young rabbits exhibited better weight gain and the feed was demonstrated to be more effective than current commercial rations.
In 2019, the fish silage initiative was started to foster a circular economy in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) such as Barbados, characterized by a relative shortage of land for which there are many competing usages. The less state land apportioned to landfills for waste, the greater the availability for other uses and the smaller the sector’s environmental footprint. Awareness-raising and capacity-building activities have led to the establishment of a national fish silage community, the mainstreaming of fish waste utilization in the 2022–2030 Fisheries Policy, private investment by a fish processor in the fertilizer business, and a high level of interest from fisherwomen and young farmers. The production of a wide range of fish silage-based feeds has proved feasible within an ecosystem of support, with institutional resource strengthening. This is the rationale behind the envisioned retrofitted public facility, designed to serve the needs of all livestock and eventually aqua farmers through fish silage-based feed production, and to fulfil the role of a farmer training centre with a national and regional outlook.
Olsen, R.L. & Toppe, J. 2017. Fish silage hydrolysates: Not only a feed nutrient, but also a useful feed additive. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 66: 93–97.
Advances in using alternative ingredients
Current research focuses on identifying alternative protein and energy ingredients to boost sustainable aquaculture growth, including from local alternative aquafeed ingredients. Recent advancements include the increased use of plant-based ingredients as protein sources (Naylor et al., 2021) to reduce the reliance on wild-caught fish for aquafeed alongside supplemental amino acids, fatty acids and trace minerals.
FAO and its partners are promoting alternative and sustainable feed ingredients such as algae, insect meals, Artemia spp. and fish silage. These alternatives have enabled improved and cost-effective aquaculture and animal husbandry performance in Barbados (Box 18) and various countries in Africa (see Box 39, p. 183).
In 2021, FAO launched a digitized aquaculture library project to support information exchange and the identification of opportunities and means for the development of sustainable aquaculture in Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries. The project contributes to national efforts, pooling available aquaculture information from the financial, technological, research and academic domains into one regional digital hub. As of 2022, the aquaculture sector remained poorly developed in the region, with four member countries – Belize, Guyana, Haiti and Jamaica – accounting for most of the regional aquaculture production of 5 047 tonnes, valued at USD 21.1 million (see figure).
The digitized aquaculture library project aims to enhance networking and sharing of knowledge and best practices among Caribbean countries – a need identified by the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) during the FAO 2020 regional review of aquaculture in Latin America and the Caribbean. Regional cooperation and exchange of information were indeed considered key to the development of aquaculture in the region to address the recognized limitations in expertise (Wurmann, Soto and Norambuena, 2021). Other constraints include lack of infrastructure, inadequate technology, inappropriate skills, and insufficient investment, all of which restrict production of a reliable and affordable seed and feed supply.
Completed in February 2022, the digitized aquaculture library connects CARICOM member countries and facilitates technical exchange and training on aquaculture systems and species with proven regional success. It also provides a toolbox to entrepreneurs and governments for diversifying and scaling up commercial operations. The library was built with information collected from fisheries and aquaculture officials, practitioners, researchers, and financers of all 15 CARICOM countries. All information was validated by the respective member countries, and consent for the publication of individual details was granted.
The library has two components: first, a downloadable registry of individuals and hubs in the public and private sector (including decision-makers, regulators, managers, businesspeople, financers and practitioners) posted on FAO, CRFM and country websites;* second, a publication list (including national plans, technical guides, factsheets and peer-reviewed publications) with online access to the CARICOM aquaculture library containing digital copies of Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts** publications.
The digitized aquaculture library continues to grow, strengthening the Caribbean aquaculture network, improving access to reliable updated information and increasing the opportunities to support sustainable aquaculture expansion. FAO and CRFM member countries have agreed on a process to update and maintain the library annually to keep it relevant and informative.

SOURCE: FAO. 2024. FishStat: Global aquaculture production 1950-2022. [Accessed on 02 April 2024]. In: FishStatJ. Available at: Licence: CC-BY-4.0.
** Available at:
SOURCES: FAO. 2022. Digital Aquaculture Library for the CARICOM Report. Appendices 4 and 8. FAO Subregional Office for the Caribbean (Bridgetown).
Wurmann, C., Soto, D. & Norambuena, R. 2021. Regional Review on Status and Trends in Aquaculture Development in Latin America and the Caribbean – 2020. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Circular, No. 1232/3. Rome, FAO.
The importance of partnerships for sustainable aquaculture development
The development of sustainable aquaculture does not exist in a vacuum: to optimize the contribution of the aquaculture sector towards achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, coordinated and accelerated actions are required among policymakers, farmers and farmers’ associations, food processors, traders, researchers, international technical and development institutions, and technical experts.
FAO recognizes the great value of partnerships, and invites organizations interested in working together to end hunger and all forms of malnutrition to combine efforts and resources. Within sustainable aquaculture development, many actors are already cooperating, both directly and indirectly. There is a broad consensus that partnerships and cooperation arrangements should be strengthened, networks revitalized, and joint actions streamlined if we are to turn the tide of food insecurity and malnutrition. Using the SDGs as a framework and shared vision for collaboration, FAO is working with governments, academia, civil society, the private sector, research centres, aquafarm cooperatives and other partners to accelerate innovation, exchange technologies and experiences, and build capacity throughout the sector.
FAO aims to match the needs and capacity of partner institutions and benefiting Members through various mechanisms such as South–South Cooperation and engagement with the private sector and civil society. The most obvious partnership is with the FAO Members themselves, with whom FAO engages in many ways, in particular through the Committee on Fisheries and its Sub-Committees on Aquaculture (COFI:AQ) and Fish Trade (COFI:FT). The function of COFI:AQ is to provide a forum for consultation and guidance; it recommends, inter alia, international action to address aquaculture development needs and advise on the strengthening of international collaboration to assist developing countries in the implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF). At its last session in 2023, COFI:AQ specifically stressed the importance of FAO exploring all platforms and partnerships to support the implementation of the Guidelines for Sustainable Aquaculture (FAO, 2023c).
Working with regional fisheries advisory bodies (RFABs) and regional fisheries management organizations (RFMOs) is another important pillar of partnerships (Box 19). FAO has actively supported the establishment of regional aquaculture networks such as the Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific, the Network of Aquaculture Centres in Central-Eastern Europe and the Aquaculture Network for Africa. Regional aquaculture networks may involve academic institutions and producers’ organizations. To strengthen further its engagement with the former, FAO has signed memoranda of understanding with many institutions around the world including the Shanghai Ocean University Center for Ecological Aquaculture, the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Mexico’s National Commission on Aquaculture and Fisheries, the Chinese Academy of Fisheries Sciences, and Mississippi State University. These engagements bring together actors conducting research in aquaculture with producers and extension workers. Importantly, it provides a conduit for FAO to share its own experience from the field with the academic community. For selected information on FAO’s work with academia via the Global Sustainable Aquaculture Advancement Partnership, see Box 13, p. 132 and Box 20.
Aquaculture is an active and growing sector in the Mediterranean and Black Sea region. With over 35 000 farms producing around 3.3 million tonnes* of aquatic foods in 2021 and directly employing almost 350 000 people in the region, this sector is an important driver for food security, employment and economic development towards the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and it offers important opportunities to enhance aquatic food production and reduce the pressure on wild fishery stocks.
Boosting the sector and enhancing its benefits are one of the priorities of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), a regional fisheries management organization established under the provisions of Article XIV of the FAO Constitution with a mandate for sustainable development of fisheries and aquaculture. Within the framework of its 2030 Strategy for sustainable fisheries and aquaculture in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea,** the GFCM is working towards implementing Blue Transformation in the region by developing sustainable aquaculture that is productive, profitable, environmentally friendly and globally competitive.
Aquaculture demonstrative centres (ADCs) act as specialized Blue Transformation accelerator hubs to promote innovation, knowledge sharing, best practices, technical cooperation and stakeholder capacity. More specifically, they aim to:
- promote scientific research and innovation;
- provide hands-on technical and technological support;
- showcase best practices in aquatic food farming;
- advance education and increase stakeholders’ skills, focusing in particular on women, youth and small-scale farmers; and
- foster further collaboration and partnerships.
The ADCs are open to all aquaculture stakeholders and are located in different areas of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, operating as technical units tailored to the features of each subregion. There are currently three active ADCs in, respectively, Egypt, Romania and Türkiye, and a fourth is planned to be soon launched in Tunisia.
Two ADCs were established in the Black Sea: the Grigore Antipa National Institute for Marine Research and Development in Constanta, Romania, for shellfish; and the Central Fisheries Research Institute in Trabzon, Türkiye, for finfish. Following their success in training over 4 000 persons and developing innovative projects, and in light of requests made by its member countries, the GFCM established in 2023 the first Mediterranean ADC in Alexandria, Egypt, focusing on brackish water aquaculture, with the support of the Marine Aquaculture Development in Egypt (MADE II) project of the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation. The fourth ADC currently in development in Tunisia will focus on offshore cage farming and environmental monitoring.
** See:
The Global Sustainable Aquaculture Advancement Partnership (GSAAP) is a voluntary platform bringing together a wide range of aquaculture stakeholders. It was established to enhance the scientific basis of aquaculture, promote continuous innovation, and fully harness the potential of aquaculture to contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. The partnership functions include: (1) serve as a global platform to discuss key issues and challenges, innovations and findings in the development of the aquaculture sector, formulating solutions to address the issues and challenges for long-term sustainability; (2) facilitate aquaculture innovation and advancement in science, technology, farming systems and practices through extensive collaboration and exchange; (3) provide strategy advice, technical assistance, and think tank services on the request of beneficiaries including, but not limited to, country governments, enterprises and other entities towards achieving sustainable aquaculture; (4) advocate and disseminate sustainable practices and successful development approaches of diversified aquaculture systems and technology across nations and continents; (5) serve as a multistakeholder platform for the advocacy of global aquaculture and enhance dialogue with the public; and (6) foster an inclusive partnership and cooperation mechanisms with the international community.
The GSAAP was founded in 2022, and its partners have already initiated substantive work. For example, a collaborative study has been carried out between farmers and the University of Ibadan on the feasibility of black soldier fly larvae as an alternative feed for catfish in Nigeria to address farmers’ need to decrease feed costs; brine shrimp (Artemia spp.) biomass production for direct human consumption has been introduced to improve nutrition for rural families in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic; and in South Africa, an interregional academic collaboration has provided local institutions with the capacity to collect data and assess the suitability of aquaponics in a data-driven and transparent way. Finally, policy dialogues on seaweed farming have been convened with the participation of 44 countries from Africa, Asia and Latin America, bringing together major stakeholders in seaweed aquaculture to support international cooperation and capacity-building initiatives to address policy gaps and develop or strengthen national strategies.
Likewise, FAO has adopted specific strategies for strengthening engagement with the private sector and civil society organizations towards sustainable aquaculture development in support of achieving the SDGs. These partnerships came together in 2021 during the FAO/NACA Global Conference on Aquaculture Millennium+20 (GCA+20), which convened many stakeholders from across the world. The GCA+20 captured and synthesized a wealth of information from all stakeholders, producing both regional and thematic reviews of aquaculture. The Conference and its outputs provided the most updated and relevant scientific and technical information, which contributed to the debates among FAO Members, including on the GSA, technically endorsed at the Twelfth Session of COFI:AQ (FAO, 2023c) (see Progress in the development of the FAO Guidelines for Sustainable Aquaculture, p. 121). This example demonstrates how its work with partners enables FAO to promote worldwide consultation and strengthen international collaboration to support sustainable aquaculture development, in particular in developing countries (Box 21).
In the Sulu Sea off the southwestern coast of the Philippines, home to the Sama Dilaut sea nomads, Imilita Mawaldani Hikanti belongs to this Indigenous community historically known for its exceptional skills in seafaring, fishing and pearl diving. They once played a crucial role in supporting coastal economies and regional trade. However, the community now faces significant challenges, including displacement, environmental degradation, and threats to its cultural heritage, exacerbating poverty and marginalization for many.
Imilita, a mother of twelve (two of whom died at an early age), lives in Barangay Balimbing, Panglima Sugala, Tawi-Tawi. She and her husband have been seaweed farmers their whole lives, living in a stilt house in the Pondohan community. Their education was limited due to financial constraints and the long distance to schools.
Tawi-Tawi Island is a cornerstone of the national and global seaweed farming industry. The municipality of Sitangkai has been instrumental in promoting Eucheuma seaweed farming since the 1970s, when a family farming system was first developed through a partnership between the Philippines and the University of Hawaii.
Eucheuma cultivation in Sitangkai thrived, bolstering the local economy, and by 1987, the municipality was the premier Eucheuma farming hub in the Philippines, playing a pivotal role in increasing seaweed exports and becoming the country’s most important aquaculture source of foreign exchange revenue.
In Tawi-Tawi, seaweed farming is more than an industry – it is a way of life, engaging approximately 80 percent of the population. Every year, seaweed farming is celebrated at the Agal-Agal Festival, a testament to the cultural and economic importance of seaweed in the society.
Like many, Imilita and her husband became skilled at seaweed farming with no formal training, using methods that have now become traditional on the island. It is their primary source of income, satisfying their basic living requirements, but insufficient for funding their children’s education. Moreover, the activity also presents numerous challenges such as “ice-ice” disease, inadequate aquaculture practices, lack of financial support, absence of marketing opportunities, decreasing carrageenan quality in seaweeds, and even threats from marine animals.
Recognizing these challenges, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the International Organization for Migration, and the International Trade Centre started a collaborative project funded by the European Union in Tawi-Tawi – the Bangsamoro Agri-Enterprise Project – with the aim of improving seaweed production, value chains and marketability. It provides capacity building and technical assistance, establishes social enterprises to elevate socioeconomic conditions and increase resilience to climate change and conflict, and contributes to sustainable development of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao. Furthermore, the project supports training in sustainable seaweed farming and post-harvest processing through farmer field schools, establishing seaweed nurseries and processing facilities, facilitating market linkages, promoting sustainable methods, and engaging the community to enhance its social and economic benefits.
This project provides Imilita and her community with new opportunities to improve their livelihoods and navigate the challenges of modern seaweed farming, contributing to a more sustainable and economically viable future for people in Tawi-Tawi.

© FAO/Rhadem Musawah Morados

© FAO/Rhadem Musawah Morados
Partnerships are essential to achieve the SDGs and develop sustainable aquaculture through effective global and regional cooperation, a key target of FAO’s Blue Transformation Roadmap (FAO, 2022a). FAO takes on the role of convener – bringing together disparate stakeholders from across the sector and related areas – because only together and with a shared vision on aquaculture development will the sector make its full contribution to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and put Blue Transformation into action at the pace and scale needed.
- ag See:
- ah There are at least three important dimensions of seed quality: genetic dimension (in terms of integrity of farmed types and level of genetic improvement); absence of diseases; and survival rate (Shikuku, Ochenje and Muthini, 2021).
- ai For further details, see:
- aj For further details, see: