The State of Food and Agriculture 2023 was prepared by a multidisciplinary team from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), under the direction of David Laborde, Director of the Agrifood Economics Division, Marco V. Sánchez Cantillo, Deputy Director of the Agrifood Economics Division, and Andrea Cattaneo, Senior Economist and Editor of the publication. Overall guidance was provided by Máximo Torero Cullen, Chief Economist, and by the management team of the Economic and Social Development stream.

Theresa McMenomy, Poilin Breathnach (consulting editor), Ahmad Sadiddin and Sara Vaz.

Reinier de Adelhart Toorop (Impact Economy Foundation), Steven Lord (University of Oxford), Tavseef Mairaj Shah (TMG Research gGmbH), Anil Markandya (Basque Centre for Climate Change), Alexander Müller (TMG Research gGmbH), Olivia Riemer (TMG Research gGmbH), Bettina Schmiedler (Impact Economy Foundation), Bart van Veen (Impact Economy Foundation) and Loes Verdonk (Impact Economy Foundation).

Andrea Bassi (International Institute for Sustainable Development), Salman Hussain (United Nations Environment Programme [UNEP]) and Jacob Salcone (UNEP).

Alethia Cameron, Federico Drogo, Adriana Ignaciuk, Bernardete Neves, Valentina Pernechele, Ugo Pica Ciamarra, Giuseppe Tempio and Dominik Wisser.

Koffi Amegbeto, Nada Bougouss, Diana Carter, Romina Cavatassi, Federico Drogo, Aziz Elbehri, Cheng Fang, Daniela Godoy, Adriana Ignaciuk, Joanna Ilicic, Thais Linhares Juvenal, Anne Mottet, Bernardete Neves, Valentina Pernechele, Ugo Pica Ciamarra, Maryam Rezaei, Marco Sanchez Cantillo, Nuno Santos, Shiroma Sathyapala, Antonio Scognamillo, Francesco Tubiello, Jose Valls Bedeau and Dominik Wisser.

Reinier de Adelhart Toorop (Impact Economy Foundation), Harold Alderman (International Food Policy Research Institute [IFPRI]), Lauren Baker (Global Alliance for the Future of Food), Andrea Bassi (International Institute for Sustainable Development), Joao Campari (World Wide Fund for Nature), Tim Crosby (Thread Fund), Barbara Gemmill-Herren (UC Davis), Mark Gough (Capitals Coalition), Thomas Hertel (Purdue University), Salman Hussain (UNEP), Amanda Jekums (Global Alliance for the Future of Food), Martin Lok (Capitals Coalition), Steven Lord (University of Oxford), Tavseef Mairaj Shah (TMG Research gGmbH), Anil Markandya (Basque Centre for Climate Change), Robert Price Martin (Johns Hopkins Whiting School of Engineering), William Masters (Tufts University), Kathleen Merrigan (Arizona State University), Alexander Müller (TMG Research gGmbH), Michael Obersteiner (University of Oxford), Carl Obst (IDEEA Group), Valeria Piñeiro (IFPRI), Raghav Puri (University of Cornell), Urvashi Rangan (GRACE Communications Foundation), Martin Reesink (Rabobank), Olivia Riemer (TMG Research gGmbH), Serenella Sala (Joint Research Centre [JRC]), Harpinder Sandhu (Federation University Australia), Marta Santamaria (Capitals Coalition), Esther Sanye-Mengual (JRC), Marco Springmann (University of Oxford), Roy Steiner (Rockefeller Foundation), Pavan Sukhdev (GIST Impact), Bart van Veen (Impact Economy Foundation [IEF]), Martine van Weelden (Capitals Coalition), Loes Verdonk (IEF) and Jenn Yates (Global Alliance for the Future of Food).

Sara Vaz prepared the annexes with assistance from Steven Lord (University of Oxford).

Alejandra Jimenez Tabares provided administrative support.

Translations were delivered by the FAO Language Branch of the Governing Bodies Servicing Division.

The FAO Publications and Library Branch of the Office of Communications provided editorial support, design and layout, as well as production coordination, for editions in all six official languages.

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