ANNEX 2: Glossary

Acute food insecurity

Food insecurity found in a specified area at a specific point in time and of a severity that threatens lives or livelihoods, or both, regardless of the causes, context or duration. It has relevance in providing strategic guidance to actions that focus on short-term objectives to prevent, mitigate or decrease severe food insecurity.18


The ability of people to buy foods in their local environment. In this report, cost refers to what people have to pay to secure a healthy diet, while affordability refers to the cost relative to a person’s income, minus other required expenses. In Section 2.2, unaffordability is determined by comparing the cost of a healthy diet plus the cost of basic non-food goods and services with income distributions available in the Poverty and Inequality Platform (PIP) of the World Bank. This allows for a computation of the percentage and number of people in each country who are not able to afford a healthy diet.bp

Agrifood systems

A term increasingly used in the context of transforming food systems for sustainability and inclusivity, agrifood systems encompass both agricultural and food systems and focus on both food and non-food agricultural products, with clear overlaps. Agrifood systems encompass the entire range of actors and their interlinked value-adding activities involved in the production, aggregation, processing, distribution, consumption and disposal of food products. They comprise all food products that originate from crop and livestock production, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture, as well as the broader economic, societal and natural environments in which these diverse production systems are embedded.

Animal source foods

All types of meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, insects, grubs, eggs, milk, cheese, yoghurt and other milk products.19, 20

Blended finance

The strategic use of development finance for the mobilization of additional finance towards sustainable development in developing countries. It attracts commercial capital towards projects that contribute to sustainable development, while providing financial returns to investors.21


A debt investment in which an investor lends money to an entity (typically corporate or governmental) that borrows the funds for a defined period of time at a variable or fixed interest rate. Bonds are used by companies, municipalities, states and sovereign governments to raise money and finance a variety of projects and activities.22

Capital markets

A subset of financial markets that specifically deal with the buying and selling of equity and debt securities.23

Commercial finance

Finance related to activities of commercial business operations to earn profits. Non-commercial activities can be conducted by non-profit organizations or government agencies.24

Concessional loans

Loans that are extended on terms substantially more generous than market loans. The concessions are achieved either through interest rates below those available on the market or by grace periods, or a combination of these two.22


Climate is usually defined in a narrow sense as the average weather, or more rigorously, as the statistical description in terms of the mean and variability of relevant quantities over a period of time ranging from months to thousands or millions of years.25

Climate change

A change in the state of the climate that can be identified (e.g. by using statistical tests) by changes in the mean and/or the variability of its properties, and that persists for an extended period, typically decades or longer.25

Climate extreme (extreme weather or climate event)

The occurrence of a value of a weather or climate variable above (or below) a threshold value near the upper (or lower) ends of the range of observed values of the variable. For simplicity, both extreme weather events and extreme climate events are referred to collectively as “climate extremes”.26

Climate shocks

Climate shocks include not only those disturbances in the usual pattern of rainfall and temperatures but also complex events like droughts and floods. Equivalent to the concept of a natural hazard or stress, they are exogenous events that can have a negative impact on food security and nutrition, depending on the vulnerability to the shock of an individual, a household, a community or systems.2730

Climate variability

Variations in the mean state and other statistics (standard deviations, the occurrence of extremes, and so on) of the climate on all spatial and temporal scales beyond that of individual weather events. Variability may be due to natural internal processes within the climate system (internal variability) or to variations in natural or anthropogenic external forcing (external variability).25


Conflict as used in this report is defined as struggles between interdependent groups that have either actual or perceived incompatibilities with respect to needs, values, goals, resources or intentions. This definition includes (but is broader than) armed conflict – that is, organized collective violent confrontations between at least two groups, either state or non-state actors.


An amount of money borrowed by one party from another. Many corporations and individuals use debt as a method of making large purchases that they would not be able to afford under normal circumstances. A debt arrangement gives the borrowing party permission to borrow money on the condition that it must pay back the sum at a later date, usually with interest.22

Debt-based financing

When a firm raises money for working capital or capital expenditures by selling debt instruments to individuals and/or institutional investors. In return for lending the money, the individuals or institutions become creditors and receive a promise that the principal and interest on the debt will be repaid.22

Debt swap

The cancellation of (part of the) external debt of a country in exchange for the debtor government’s commitment to mobilize domestic resources (local currency or another asset, such as bonds, privatized public assets) for an agreed purpose on agreed terms. The cancellation of external debt usually comes at a discount from the face value.31

Diet quality (or healthy diets)

Comprising four key aspects: diversity (within and across food groups), adequacy (sufficiency of all essential nutrients compared to requirements), moderation (foods and nutrients that are related to poor health outcomes) and balance (energy and macronutrient intake). Foods consumed should be safe.

Dietary energy requirements

The amount of dietary energy, measured in kilojoules or kilocalories (often referred to as calories), required by an individual to maintain body functions, health and normal activity. Dietary energy requirements are dependent upon age, sex, body size and level of physical activity. Additional energy is required to support optimal growth and development in children and in women during pregnancy, and for milk production during lactation, consistent with the good health of mother and child.

Domestic private investment

A measure of the amount of money that domestic businesses invest within their own country. It can be represented with the accounting equation: non-residential investment + residential investment + change in inventories.32

Domestic public expenditure

Government expenditure (or spending) as reported by central governments. Public sector enterprises are included to the extent that their budgets are reported in national budgets. Subnational government budgets are not included, although transfers they may receive from central governments are included in national budgets.


A period of abnormally dry weather lasting long enough to cause a serious hydrological imbalance.25

Due diligence

The necessary assessment of the past performance, reputation and future plans of a prospective partner, private sector entity, or other organization with regard to various business practices and principles to evaluate the risks and benefits of working together. This assessment of a prospective partner would normally involve, at a minimum, examining their social, environmental and financial track records.22

Economic downturn

A period of decline in economic activity or negative growth as measured by the growth rate in real GDP. It is a synonym for economic recession, a temporary or short-term downturn in economic growth. In the analyses and figures presented in this report, an economic downturn is identified using the year as a period of reference.

Economic shock

An unexpected or unpredictable event that is external to the specific economy and can either harm or boost it. A global financial crisis causing bank lending or credit to fall, or an economic downturn in a major trading partner of a country both reflect demand-side shocks that can have multiple effects on spending and investment. A steep rise in oil and gas prices, natural disasters that result in sharp falls in production, or conflict that disrupts trade and production, are examples of supply-side shocks.

Economic slowdown

Economic activity that is growing at a slower pace compared to the previous period. An economic slowdown occurs when real GDP growth declines from one period to another, but it is still positive.

Energy-dense foods

Food with a high content of calories (energy) with respect to its mass or volume.


The value of an asset minus the amount of all liabilities on that asset. It can be represented with the accounting equation: assets − liabilities = equity.22

Equity-based finance

The contribution of capital to a company or project through the purchase of shares, stocks or similar documents. Equity investors purchase shares with the expectation that shares or stocks will rise in value through appreciation, and/or generate capital gains from the company. In the development finance context, equity investments provide developmental support and long-term growth capital that private enterprises need. The objective is to exit the investment with a return of at least the initial capital, if not enhanced values to invest elsewhere.22

Extreme poverty

Refers to the percentage of people living on less than USD 2.15 a day (2017 PPP prices) in a country in a given year.33

Extreme weather or climate event

The occurrence of a value of a weather or climate variable above (or below) a threshold value near the upper (or lower) ends of the range of observed values of the variable. Many weather and climate extremes are the result of natural climate variability, and natural decadal or multidecadal variations in the climate provide the backdrop for anthropogenic climate changes. Even if there were no anthropogenic changes in climate, a wide variety of natural weather and climate extremes would still occur.

Finance, financing

The process of providing funds for business activities, making purchases or investing. The funds may or may not be provided conditional upon a certain return (interests, dividends, and so on) and/or reimbursement (of debt principal).34

Fiscal subsidies

Budget transfers made by governments in the context of policy measures, projects and programmes to individual actors of the food and agriculture sector, such as farmers (fiscal subsidies to producers) or consumers (fiscal subsidies to consumers). Fiscal subsidies to producers aim to reduce production costs or increase farm income and can be granted depending on output, input use or use of other factors of production. Fiscal subsidies to consumers include transfers under social protection programmes (given to final consumers) and food subsidies to lower the cost of food (provided to intermediaries such as processors, traders, transporters).


The overflowing of the normal confines of a stream or other body of water, or the accumulation of water over areas not normally submerged. Floods include river (fluvial) floods, flash floods, urban floods, pluvial floods, sewer floods, coastal floods and glacial lake outburst floods.25

Food environment

The physical, economic, political and sociocultural context in which consumers engage with agrifood systems to make decisions about acquiring, preparing and consuming food.35

Food Insecurity Experience Scale

An experience-based food security scale used to produce a measure of access to food at different levels of severity that can be compared across contexts. It relies on data obtained by asking people, directly in surveys, about the occurrence of conditions and behaviours that are known to reflect constrained access to food.

Food security

A situation that exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. Based on this definition, four food security dimensions can be identified: food availability, economic and physical access to food, food utilization, and stability over time. The concept of food security is evolving to also recognize the centrality of agency and sustainability (see Food security dimensions Mane, E., Giaquinto, A.M., Ca of these two additional dimensions).

Food security dimensions

In this report, food security dimensions refer to the four traditional dimensions of food security:

  1. Availability – This dimension addresses whether or not food is actually or potentially physically present, including aspects of production, food reserves, markets and transportation, and wild foods.
  2. Access – If food is actually or potentially physically present, the next question is whether or not households and individuals have sufficient physical and economic access to that food.
  3. Utilization – If food is available and households have adequate access to it, the next question is whether or not households are maximizing the consumption of adequate nutrition and energy. Sufficient energy and nutrient intake by individuals is the result of good caring and feeding practices, food preparation, dietary diversity and intra-household distribution of food, and access to clean water, sanitation and health care. Combined with good biological utilization of food consumed, this determines the nutritional status of individuals.
  4. Stability – If the dimensions of availability, access and utilization are sufficiently met, stability is the condition in which the whole system is stable, thus ensuring that households are food secure at all times. Stability issues can refer to short-term instability (which can lead to acute food insecurity) or medium- to long-term instability (which can lead to chronic food insecurity). Climatic, economic, social and political factors can all be a source of instability.

The report also refers to two additional dimensions of food security that are proposed by the High Level Panel of Experts of the Committee on World Food Security; however, they are not formally agreed upon by FAO or others, and an agreed upon language has not been negotiated. However, due to their relevance in the context of this report, they are included here. These two additional dimensions of food security are reinforced in conceptual and legal understandings of the right to food and are currently referred to and defined as follows:

  1. Agency refers to the capacity of individuals or groups to make their own decisions about what foods they eat, what foods they produce, and how that food is produced, processed and distributed within food systems; and to their ability to engage in processes that shape food system policies and governance.64
  2. Sustainability refers to the long-term ability of agrifood systems to provide food security and nutrition in a way that does not compromise the economic, social and environmental bases that generate food security and nutrition for future generations.36
Foreign direct investment

Investment made by a private entity resident in one economy in an enterprise resident in another. The investment must involve a long-term relationship and reflect a lasting interest and control, it must be an equity investment (or reinvested earnings or intracompany loan) rather than an intercompany loan, and it must be made directly rather than through capital markets.


The money that lenders and equity holders provide to a business for daily and long-term needs. A company’s capital funding consists of both debt (bonds) and equity (stock). The business uses this money for operating capital. The bond and equity holders expect to earn a return on their investment in the form of interest, dividends and stock appreciation.37


Formal and informal rules, organizations and processes through which public and private actors articulate their interests and make and implement decisions.38


A risk-sharing agreement under which a guarantor agrees to pay part or the entire amount due on a loan, equity or other instrument to a lender/investor in the event of non-payment by the borrower, or loss of value in case of investment.22


A process, phenomenon or human activity that may cause loss of life, injury or other health impacts, property damage, social and economic disruption or environmental degradation.39

Healthy diets

See diet quality definition.

Health taxes

Excise taxes levied on products that have a negative public health impact. These are taxes targeting specific products, such as foods of high energy density and minimal nutritional value, to increase their relative cost compared to nutritious foods, thus reducing their consumption and preventing or mitigating these negative health outcomes while generating resources for government budgets.40

Healthy food environments

Food environment refers to the physical, economic, sociocultural and policy conditions that shape access, affordability, safety and food preferences. Healthy food environments are safe and supportive food environments that provide physical access to nutritious foods for healthy diets that reduce the risk of all forms of malnutrition, including undernutrition, overweight, obesity and diet-related non-communicable diseases.36, 41 Many elements of the food environment determine dietary patterns, while culture, language, culinary practices, knowledge and consumption patterns, food preferences, beliefs and values all relate to the way food is sourced, generated, produced and consumed.42

Highly processed foods

Foods that have been industrially prepared, including those from bakeries and catering outlets, and which require no or minimal domestic preparation apart from heating and cooking (such as bread, breakfast cereals, cheese, commercial sauces, canned foods including jams, commercial cakes, processed meats, biscuits and sauces).43 Highly processed foods can contain very high quantities of salt, free sugars and saturated or trans fats, and these products, when consumed in high amounts, can undermine diet quality.


An uncomfortable or painful physical sensation caused by insufficient consumption of dietary energy. In this report, the term hunger is synonymous with chronic undernourishment and is measured by the prevalence of undernourishment.

Impact investing

Investing that aims to generate specific beneficial social or environmental effects in addition to financial gain. Impact investing is a subset of socially responsible investing and actively seeks to make a positive impact by investing, for example, in non-profits that benefit the community or in clean technology enterprises. Core characteristics include intentionality (i.e. an investor intends to have a positive impact); return expectation on capital, or at a minimum, return of capital; and measurement of social and environmental impacts.22

International portfolio investments

A type of investment that consists of securities and other financial assets held by investors in another country.44


The major source of energy and bulk (volume) in our diets, macronutrients are needed in large quantities (in gram range). They include carbohydrates, proteins and fats. They are a main source of dietary energy, which is measured in calories. Obtaining sufficient energy is essential for everyone in order to maintain body growth, development and good health. Carbohydrates, proteins and fats, in addition to providing energy, each have very specific functions in the body and must be supplied in sufficient amounts to carry out those functions.


An abnormal physiological condition caused by inadequate, unbalanced or excessive intake of macronutrients and/or micronutrients. Malnutrition includes undernutrition (child stunting and wasting, and vitamin and mineral deficiencies), as well as overweight and obesity.

Mezzanine finance

A hybrid of debt and equity financing that gives the lender the right to convert to an equity interest in the company in case of default.22


Including vitamins and minerals, micronutrients are required in very small (micro) but specific amounts. Vitamins and minerals in foods are necessary for the body to grow, develop and function properly, and are essential for our health and well-being. Our bodies require a number of different vitamins and minerals, each of which has a specific function in the body and must be supplied in different, sufficient amounts.

Moderate food insecurity

The level of severity of food insecurity, based on the Food Insecurity Experience Scale, at which people face uncertainties about their ability to obtain food and have been forced to reduce, at times during the year, the quality and/or quantity of food they consume due to lack of money or other resources. It thus refers to a lack of consistent access to food, which diminishes dietary quality, disrupts normal eating patterns, and can have negative consequences for nutrition, health and well-being.

Multilateral development bank

A financial institution established by multiple member countries and which falls under international law. The owners of multilateral development banks are national governments and other international institutions and organizations.45

Nutrition transition

As incomes rise and populations become more urban, diets high in complex carbohydrates and fibre give way to more energy-dense diets high in fats, sugars and/or salt. These global dietary trends are accompanied by a demographic transition with a shift towards increased life expectancy and reduced fertility rates. At the same time, disease patterns move away from infectious and nutrient-deficiency diseases towards higher rates of overweight and obesity and diet-related non-communicable diseases including coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes and some types of cancer.

Nutritional status

The physiological state of an individual that results from the relationship between nutrient intake and requirements and the body’s ability to digest, absorb and use these nutrients.

Nutritious foods

Safe foods that contribute essential nutrients such as vitamins and minerals (micronutrients), fibre and other components to healthy diets that are beneficial for growth, and health and development, guarding against malnutrition. In nutritious foods, the presence of nutrients of public health concern including saturated fats, free sugars, and salt/sodium is minimized, industrially produced trans fats are eliminated, and salt is iodized.

Other official flows

Official sector transactions that do not meet official development assistance criteria.

Official development assistance

Government aid designed to promote the economic development and welfare of developing countries and that meets a minimum grant element requirement.46

Overweight and obesity

Body weight that is above normal for height as a result of an excessive accumulation of fat. It is usually a manifestation of expending less energy than is consumed. In adults, overweight is defined as a body mass index (BMI) of 25 kg/m2 or more, and obesity as a BMI of 30 kg/m2 or more. In children under five years of age, overweight is defined as weight-for-height greater than 2 standard deviations above the WHO Child Growth Standards median, and obesity as weight-for-height greater than 3 standard deviations above the WHO Child Growth Standards median.47


A grouping of financial assets such as stocks, bonds, commodities, currencies and cash equivalents, as well as their fund counterparts, including mutual, exchange-traded and closed funds.22

Prevalence of undernourishment

An estimate of the proportion of the population that lacks enough dietary energy for a healthy, active life. It is FAO’s traditional indicator used to monitor hunger at the global and regional level, as well as SDG Indicator 2.1.1.

Private equity

An alternative investment class that invests in or acquires private companies that are not listed on a public stock exchange.48

Private funding

Funding provided by private entities, whether on commercial terms or not.

Project finance

A form of financing projects, primarily based on claims against the financed asset or project rather than on the sponsor of the project.

Public funding

Funding provided by public entities (e.g. domestic and foreign governments, international organizations).


Private, voluntary monetary and non-monetary (social or in-kind) transfers made by migrants and diaspora, individually or collectively, to people or communities not necessarily in their areas of origin. They can be cross-border or in the home country.


The ability of individuals, households, communities, cities, institutions, systems and societies to prevent, resist, absorb, adapt, respond and recover positively, efficiently and effectively when faced with a wide range of risks, while maintaining an acceptable level of functioning and without compromising long-term prospects for sustainable development, peace and security, human rights and well-being for all.49


The probability or likelihood of the occurrence of hazardous events or trends multiplied by the impacts if these events or trends occur. Risk to food insecurity is the probability of food insecurity resulting from interactions between a natural or human-induced hazard, shock or stress and vulnerable conditions.


A fungible, negotiable financial instrument that holds some type of monetary value. A security can represent ownership in a corporation in the form of stock, a creditor relationship with a governmental body or a corporation represented by owning that entity’s bond, or rights to ownership as represented by an option.50

Severe food insecurity

The level of severity of food insecurity at which people have likely run out of food, experienced hunger and, at the most extreme, gone for days without eating, putting their health and well-being at grave risk, based on the Food Insecurity Experience Scale.

Staple foods

Foods eaten regularly, and in such quantities as to constitute the dominant part of the diet and supply a major proportion of total dietary energy. The main kinds of staple foods are cereals (e.g. rice, maize, wheat, rye, barley, oats, millet, sorghum), roots and tubers (e.g. potatoes, cassava, yams) and legumes (e.g. beans, lentils, soybean).20


Low height-for-age, reflecting a past episode or episodes of sustained undernutrition. In children under five years of age, stunting is defined as height-for-age less than −2 standard deviations below the WHO Child Growth Standards median.


See affordability definition.


The condition in which an individual’s habitual food consumption is insufficient to provide the amount of dietary energy required to maintain a normal, active and healthy life. For the purposes of this report, hunger is defined as being synonymous with chronic undernourishment. The prevalence of undernourishment is used to measure hunger.


The outcome of poor nutritional intake in terms of quantity and/or quality, and/or poor absorption and/or poor biological use of nutrients consumed as a result of repeated instances of disease. It includes being underweight for one’s age, too short for one’s age (stunted), dangerously thin for one’s height (suffering from wasting) or deficient in vitamins and minerals (suffering from micronutrient deficiency).

Venture capital

Start-up or growth equity capital or loan capital provided by private investors (venture capitalists) or specialized financial institutions (development finance houses or venture capital firms). Also called risk capital. Venture capital is a type of funding for a new or growing business. The venture capital firm gives funding to the start-up company in exchange for equity in the start-up. This is most commonly found in high growth technology industries like biotech and software.22


The conditions determined by physical, social, economic and environmental factors or processes that increase the susceptibility of an individual, community, assets or systems to the impacts of hazards.39 Vulnerability to food insecurity is the range of conditions that increase the susceptibility of a household to the impact on food security in case of a shock or hazard.


Low weight-for-height, generally the result of weight loss associated with a recent period of inadequate dietary energy intake and/or disease. In children under five years of age, wasting is defined as weight-for-height less than −2 standard deviations below the WHO Child Growth Standards median.


Conditions of the atmosphere over a short period of time (minutes to days), whereas climate is how the atmosphere behaves over relatively longer periods of time (the long-term average of weather over time). The difference between weather and climate is a measure of time (see above definitions for climate, climate change, climate variability and climate extremes).51

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