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ProjectStrengthened Evidence-Based Decision-Making and Monitoring of Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals through Improved National Capacities - TCP/RAS/3709 2023
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No results found.The project has helped to improve partnerships between national statistics offices, ministries of agriculture, and other stakeholders with expertise in the relevant new technologies, including GIS experts and departments in other ministries, academic institutions, and international and regional organizations. The project has complemented other projects and programmes involved in building capacity regarding the SDG indicators through the use of the cost-effective methods introduced. Integrating Big Data with traditional survey and census data has also enabled users to analyse and monitor, inter alia, the impact of natural disasters on different types of farmers and the effects of climate change on female-headed agriculture households. -
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetFAO COVID-19 Response and Recovery Programme - Data for decision-making
Ensuring quality data and analysis for effective policy support to food systems and Zero Hunger
2020The COVID-19 health crisis is having wide-reaching effects on all parts of society, including on food systems, livelihoods and food security. Timely and reliable information is essential to anticipate and mitigate its negative impacts, in particular, to identify those areas where the pandemic is generating new and unprecedented stress. Traditionally food insecurity hotspots in emergency contexts are most affected, also due to difficulties in supplying humanitarian assistance. In addition, depending on the response to the pandemic, new pockets of food insecurity may appear, even in countries and populations that have not previously been the focus of food security crises. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, FAO is reorienting and upscaling its work on data, information and analysis. Data for decision-making aims to equip countries to implement timely and effective responses to the COVID-19 crisis and promote a swift recovery thereafter. In the framework of FAO’s comprehensive COVID-19 response, the data for decision-making programme is structured around four components: Rapid, repeated assessments of the impact of COVID-19 on food insecurity, using the Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES); Leveraging innovative data sources to monitor the impact of COVID-19; Adapting agricultural data collection methods to meet new demands, while maintaining the continuity of technical assistance on agricultural surveys; Evidence-based policy support for post-COVID-19 economic and social recovery. -
Book (stand-alone)State and outlook of agroforestry in ASEAN
Status, trends and outlook 2030 and beyond
2021Also available in:
No results found.This report encapsulates the status of and outlook for agroforestry in the ASEAN countries and endeavours to help achieve the SDGs through more sustainable and productive agri-food systems. The status, trends and outlook in this report will support policy makers and practitioners to make appropriate decisions and advance local innovations with agroforestry, especially in the context of the United Nations Decades on Ecosystem Restoration and Family Farming. It will help address the much needed governance, institutional, finance and capacity constraints, especially for promoting smallholder-oriented agroforestry systems in rural areas. Also, the outlook will help enhance the agro-ecological dimensions in land use while yielding more sustainable and productive results combined with ecological and climate-smart outcomes, including those related to Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). Eventually, it will contribute to improving the food and nutritional security, livelihoods and wellbeing of marginalized people through sustainable delivery of various ecosystem services.
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