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Assessment of Agribusiness Environment in Kyrgyzstan

Summary of Value Chain Gap Analysis and Recommendations

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    Book (stand-alone)
    Kyrgyzstan Value Chain Gap Analysis 2018
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    Though the role of agriculture and food industry sectors in the economy of Kyrgyzstan has steadily decreased over the years, the country still greatly relies on these sectors. Currently the growth in agriculture, as well as in the overall economy, stagnates mainly because of political volatility, economic shocks, and frequent natural disasters. FAO and major donors contribute to the development of agriculture value chains. The goal of this policy paper is to try to consolidate the information on countrywide value chain development gathered from various open sources and based on materials collected in field missions by FAO officers, with a particular emphasis on the potato value chain in the Issyk-Kul region. The recommendations provided in the paper will assist the FAO country office and the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic in decision-making and will inform other development organisations operating in the country about major value chain development activities. The first part of the paper examines the overall situation in Kyrgyzstan with a focus on the agriculture sector, food quality, and food safety systems. It reviews related legislation and the environment for doing business. The paper examines existing support measures for agriculture and covers the banking sector and trade policy. In addition, the paper describes main value chain actors and international development programmes. The second part of the study overviews the potato value chain in the Issyk-Kul region. The final part provides recommendations on both selected and countrywide value chain development and closely examines ways of improving seed availability, marketing, and ecological tourism. This section also provides options for vitalisation of a non-functioning starch factory in Ak-Suu and recommends transforming logistics centres into food hubs. The recommendations are addressed to FAO, the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, major donors, farmers and their associations, and other business entities.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Republic of Moldova Value Chain Gap Analysis 2018
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    Agriculture and food industry sectors have a major importance for the Moldovan economy. The Republic of Moldova has one of the highest share of rural population among the countries in Europe and Central Asia, and its agriculture sector significantly contributes to the country’s gross domestic product. This work is a part of a series of studies on the value chain development gaps and the environment for doing business for farmers. The goal of this study is to try to consolidate the information on countrywide value chain development gathered from various open sources and based on materials developed in a field mission by FAO officers with an emphasis on the plum and berry value chains. The authors did not aim at close examination of the selected value chains; rather, this paper is a general overview that will be a reference point for future field work in the country. To get the results, the authors analysed the legislative history related to value chains, collected materials and statistics from open sources, conducted a field mission and interviewed stakeholders. The first part of the report observes the overall situation in the Republic of Moldova with a focus on the agriculture sector, reviewing related legislation, the environment for doing business for farmers, and trade. The paper examines existing support measures for agriculture and covers the banking sector and trade policy. The second part examines value chain actors and overviews the selected value chains of plums and berries. The final part provides recommendations.
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    Book (series)
    Fish species introductions in the Kyrgyz Republic 2013
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    Although the Kyrgyz Republic is rich in water resources, water has a low productivity and the indigenous fish fauna is relatively poor, with a limited number of commercially-valuable species amongst them. The waters are suitable to grow valuable cold water fish species, however, and several fish species were introduced and regularly stocked when Kyrgyzstan was part of the Soviet bloc. As a consequence of these introductions this gradually reduced both the number and proportion of indigenous fish species. After independence, seed and fingerling production from hatcheries was reduced significantly, and then completely stopped, while at the same time illegal and unregulated fishing increased. These combined factors led to the collapse of both the fisheries and aquaculture sectors. Currently national and foreign investors are increasingly interested in investing in the potentially lucrative cage farming of exotic rainbow trout, particularly in the unspoilt waters of Lake Issyk-Kul, which m ay further endanger the efforts to restore and maintain the original fish fauna of the lake. The objective of this document is to analyze the available information on historic practices, experiences and lessons learned on species introductions, so better practices can be used in future stocking programmes in the Kyrgyz Republic and elsewhere in the Central Asian region. Information is provided to support the management of exotic and indigenous species in Kyrgyz fisheries and aquaculture activi ty including an analysis of the long term consequences of possible stocking programmes for exotic and native species and the use of cages in natural waters. The information presented in this document includes a detailed inventory of all waterbodies, fishery and fish culture resources. It will also serve the rehabilitation and sustainable development of both the fishery and aquaculture sectors in the Kyrgyz Republic in an ecologically sound manner. The report also recommends feasible solutions for the sustainable utilization of natural waters, reservoirs and fish farms in the Kyrgyz Republic.

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