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Webinar #1: Climate change mitigation, 2 June 2021

Summary report

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    Webinar #13: How can the European Green Deal drive sustainability in the tropical fruit sector? 24 May 2023
    Summary report
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    This webinar is part of a series of technical webinars organized by FAO’s Responsible Fruits project in response to the priorities and interests of participants from the private sector. The webinars provide an opportunity for peer learning on precompetitive issues and the identification and sharing of good practices. To facilitate open discussion, there is no webinar recording and the event’s report follows the Chatham House Rule of not identifying individual speakers, except for the speakers identified in the agenda who have consented to share information in advance.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Concerned about risk and sustainability in avocado or pineapple supply chains?
    FAO can help businesses be more sustainable and resilient to external shocks
    In recent decades, global production and trade of tropical fruits have grown dramatically. Today they are a part of a healthy diet for millions of people and contribute to rural and economic development. The COVID-19 pandemic and concerns about sustainability (including environmental, social and economic aspects) have highlighted business risks that must be addressed to ensure continued success in these value chains. Many companies are taking steps to address sustainability risk in their operations. However, value chains are vulnerable to risks and shocks beyond the control of any single actor. Thus, concerted actions can benefit all industry stakeholders. With this in mind, FAO is leading the project “Building responsible global value chains for the sustainable production and trade of tropical fruits” (GCP/GLO/022/GER). This project helps companies operating in avocado and pineapple supply chains to strengthen or establish risk-based due diligence systems that will make their operations more sustainable and resilient to shocks such as COVID-19. The project will provide a confidential environment for peer learning on pre-competitive issues. It will develop a series of demand-driven guides on specific technical challenges to be determined by project participants (e.g., water footprint, climate change, traceability, gender, labor issues, etc.) and identify measures and good practices to overcome these challenges. It will analyze the policy environment and incentives, aiming to identify opportunities to accelerate sustainable investment in these supply chains. This flyer provides an overview for stakeholders including international organizations, researchers, academics and policy makers.
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    Report of the 2020 WASAG Webinar Series 2024
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    In 2020, amidst the challenges posed by the COVID-19 epidemiological situation, the Global Framework on Water Scarcity in Agriculture (WASAG) has continued to work on addressing pressing issues related to water scarcity in agriculture in a changing climate.WASAG organized a series of webinars to pursue its mandate under new digital means, as webinars were recognized as an opportunity to quickly adapt to the new current challenges.Using the combine expertise and resources of its many Partners, WASAG presented a variety of topics related to water scarcity and agriculture to WASAG Partners, stakeholders and the interested public. These topics included water and gender, financing mechanisms, water and nutrition, drought preparedness, sustainable agriculture water use and saline agriculture which also include promoting quinoa as a drought and salt-tolerance crop.With ten webinars organized between May and December 2020, this report highlights the key messages given by a wide variety of speakers that participated in making this new initiative a real success.It is expected that this report will lead to more in-depth capacity development in the several topics discussed, to collaboration in developing and implementing projects addressing these topics and to offering a variety of innovative solutions to the communities, countries and regions that have to cope with water scarcity in agriculture.

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