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Do Good - Save food!

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Do good save food! Nine easy tips to reduce food waste
    Food is wasted because we put too much food on our plates, we buy food and don‘t eat it before it goes off, restaurants or and school cafeterias serve portions that are too big, etc. This poster conveys key messages and tips to consumers - and in particular children - to reduce food waste.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Good packaging practices for micro, small and medium-sized food processing enterprises in the Caribbean Community and Common Market 2024
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    Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) continue to serve as a major source of employment and income generation in the agriculture and tourism sectors in countries of the Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM). Most MSMEs are small businesses run by families or by a few individuals. While this helps to keep labour and overhead costs to a minimum, it creates a suboptimum economy of scale. Competition is also increased because of the large number of small operations and challenges that hinder penetration of the export market, especially with the increasing complexities of international standards demanded by developed countries. Additionally, rising standards of living in many CARICOM countries have increased demand from domestic consumers for higher quality food and assurances of food safety. This creates the need for urgent measures that will help MSMEs in CARICOM to become more efficient in crop production, supply chain management, food processing and packaging techniques and to gain a better understanding of the changing nature of the domestic, regional and international markets.This technical manual focuses on food packaging and seeks to highlight its critical role in reducing food loss and waste. Users of this manual will also be exposed to packaging techniques that help improve the marketability of agricultural commodities produced and processed in the region. This potential has been fostered by an increasing middle-class population, a vibrant market for tourism, a diversity of cultures and, thanks to an increasing diaspora, increasing markets in importing countries.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Bëjmirë! Ruaje ushqimin!
    Së bashku ne mund të luftojmë humbjen ushqimore: 9 këshilla të thjeshta
    Çfarë është humbja ushqimore? Me “humbje ushqimore” kuptojmë të gjithë ushqimin e çuar dëm por që ishte I mire për tú ngrëne: nëse diçka prishet në frigorifer sepse nuk e ke ngrënë në kohë, për shembull, ose ns eke hedhur tepër në pjatë dhe e hedh poshtë një pjesë e nuk e ruan për më vonë… kjo është humbje ushqimore. 9 këshilla të thesta për të reduktuar humbjen ushqimore!
  • Thumbnail Image
    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Do good save food! Nine easy tips to reduce food waste
    Food is wasted because we put too much food on our plates, we buy food and don‘t eat it before it goes off, restaurants or and school cafeterias serve portions that are too big, etc. This poster conveys key messages and tips to consumers - and in particular children - to reduce food waste.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Book (stand-alone)
    Good packaging practices for micro, small and medium-sized food processing enterprises in the Caribbean Community and Common Market 2024
    Also available in:
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    Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) continue to serve as a major source of employment and income generation in the agriculture and tourism sectors in countries of the Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM). Most MSMEs are small businesses run by families or by a few individuals. While this helps to keep labour and overhead costs to a minimum, it creates a suboptimum economy of scale. Competition is also increased because of the large number of small operations and challenges that hinder penetration of the export market, especially with the increasing complexities of international standards demanded by developed countries. Additionally, rising standards of living in many CARICOM countries have increased demand from domestic consumers for higher quality food and assurances of food safety. This creates the need for urgent measures that will help MSMEs in CARICOM to become more efficient in crop production, supply chain management, food processing and packaging techniques and to gain a better understanding of the changing nature of the domestic, regional and international markets.This technical manual focuses on food packaging and seeks to highlight its critical role in reducing food loss and waste. Users of this manual will also be exposed to packaging techniques that help improve the marketability of agricultural commodities produced and processed in the region. This potential has been fostered by an increasing middle-class population, a vibrant market for tourism, a diversity of cultures and, thanks to an increasing diaspora, increasing markets in importing countries.
  • Thumbnail Image
    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Bëjmirë! Ruaje ushqimin!
    Së bashku ne mund të luftojmë humbjen ushqimore: 9 këshilla të thjeshta
    Çfarë është humbja ushqimore? Me “humbje ushqimore” kuptojmë të gjithë ushqimin e çuar dëm por që ishte I mire për tú ngrëne: nëse diçka prishet në frigorifer sepse nuk e ke ngrënë në kohë, për shembull, ose ns eke hedhur tepër në pjatë dhe e hedh poshtë një pjesë e nuk e ruan për më vonë… kjo është humbje ushqimore. 9 këshilla të thesta për të reduktuar humbjen ushqimore!

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