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ISPM 2. Framework for pest risk analysis

Adopted 2007

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    ISPM 11. Pest risk analysis for quarantine pests
    Adopted 2013
    The standard provides details for the conduct of pest risk analysis (PRA) to determine if pests are quarantine pests. It describes the integrated processes to be used for risk assessment as well as the selection of risk management options. It also includes details regarding the analysis of risks of plant pests to the environment and biological diversity, including those risks affecting uncultivated/unmanaged plants, wild flora, habitats and ecosystems contained in the PRA area. Some explanatory comments on the scope of the IPPC in regard to environmental risks are given in Annex 1. It includes guidance on evaluating potential phytosanitary risks to plants and plant products posed by LMOs. This guidance is intended to clarify issues related to the PRA for LMOs. Some explanatory comments on the scope of the IPPC in regard to PRA for LMOs are given in Annex 2. Specific guidance on conducting PRA for plants as quarantine pests is provided in Annex 4.
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    ISPM 32. Categorization of commodities according to their pest risk
    Adopted 2009
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    This standard provides criteria for national plant protection organizations (NPPOs) of importing countries on how to categorize commodities according to their pest risk when considering import requirements. This categorization should help in identifying whether further pest risk analysis is required and if phytosanitary certification is needed. The first stage of categorization is based on whether the commodity has been processed and, if so, the method and degree of processing to which the commodity has been subjected before export. The second stage of categorization of commodities is based on their intended use after import. Contaminating pests or storage pests that may become associated with the commodity after processing are not considered in this standard.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Regional Standards for Phytosanitary Measures. Guidelines for the pest risk analysis on scale insects associated with commodities for human consumption 2007
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    This standard provides guidelines for assessing the quarantine risks posed by scale insects and the risk management measures that may be applied. The scope of this standard is restricted to scale insects affecting fresh fruit and vegetables for human consumption moving in international trade, and excludes plants and plant products intended for propagation or processing. Guidelines for pest risk analysis include consideration of aspects of initiation, assessment of probability of introduction and spread, and assessment of potential economic consequences. Options for risk management include sourcing the commodities from pest free areas, in-field management of the insects, areas of low pest prevalence, pre-export or on arrival phytosanitary inspection and possible remedial action, and disinfestation. This standard was endorsed by the twenty-fourth session of the Asia and Pacific Plant Protection Commission (APPPC) held in Bangkok, Thailand in September 2005. Regional standards for phytosa nitary measures are developed and adopted by APPPC as part of the plant protection programme of the Commission's contracting parties to support regional harmonization and facilitate trade of commodities by member countries.

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