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FAO’s Collaboration with Parliamentary Networks

Engaging with parliamentarians to promote food security and nutrition and sustainable agrifood systems

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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Ending Hunger and Malnutrition - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Collaboration with Parliamentarians on Food and Nutrition Security 2016
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    Eradicating hunger and malnutrition is at the center of FAO’s efforts. In order to achieve this, all stakeholders must be involved. This includes Parliamentarians and non-State actors such as Civil Society and the Private Sector. Evidence has shown that the improvement in food and nutrition security is principally due to policies, programs and frameworks that are anchored in legislation. Parliamentarians are fundamental custodians of political commitments on food security and nutrition; therefore critical partners in achieving food and nutrition security. FAO, through its Partnerships, Advocacy and Capacity Development Division (OPC), seeks partnerships and closer collaboration with Parliamentarians, as we work towards meeting our mutual commitments on food and nutrition security, including the right to adequate food. Parliamentarians’ efforts are key to placing these issues at the highest level of the policy and legislative agendas
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    The European Parliamentary Alliance against Hunger and Malnutrition 2020
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    Parliamentarians can significantly contribute to achieving the right to food at a global, national and local scale, as they play a key role in setting up the enabling legal and institutional frameworks, in allocating appropriate budgets and in monitoring government action on Food and Nutrition Security. The European Parliamentary Alliance against Hunger and Malnutrition, established in 2016, has been and will continue to be instrumental in connecting Members of the European Parliament and in enabling them to engage actively in the fight against hunger and malnutrition. The Alliance provides a platform for policy dialogue and awareness-raising on the right to adequate food for all; on the eradication of hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition; and on making agriculture more sustainable and resilient. FAO, which acts as Secretariat of the Alliance, will support its future activities and will work tirelessly with the European Parliamentarians and other partners on making sure the world has enough good and nutritious food. This brochure describes the activities of the Alliance in Brussels and beyond and is being used to engage, inform and attract more Parliamentarians to join the Alliance.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Preparatory events towards the Second Global Parliamentary Summit against Hunger and Malnutrition 2022
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    Given that parliamentary action to tackle hunger and malnutrition is more necessary than ever, AECID and FAO plan to bring parliamentarians together for the Second Global Parliamentary Summit against Hunger and Malnutrition, to be held in 2023. The forthcoming Summit aims to take stock of the issues, ideas and actions discussed during the virtual parliamentary dialogues and UNFSS and to stimulate further parliamentary action to build on progress made since the 2018 Summit. In so doing, it seeks to contribute towards a redoubling of efforts to end hunger and malnutrition in all its forms by 2030. FAO and IISD have organized a series of events to support the preparation of the forthcoming Summit and thereby ensure that it is able to facilitate useful exchanges of experiences between parliamentarians and stimulate renewed parliamentary action to tackle hunger and malnutrition. These events aim to raise parliamentarians’ awareness about important issues relevant to efforts to tackle hunger and malnutrition, to stimulate discussion, debate and knowledge exchange among parliamentarians, to share FAO tools, to capture and document relevant insights and experiences and to inform the agenda for the forthcoming Summit.

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