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Book (stand-alone)Codex 2019: The year of food safety 20192019 has been the year of food safety with The First FAO / WHO / AU International Food Safety Conference in Addis Ababa and the WTO International Forum on Food Safety and Trade in Geneva shining the global spotlight on issues that will affect global food production and supply systems, consumers, industry and the planet itself. The Codex Alimentarius Commission is where the world comes together to set international food safety and quality standards to protect consumer health and facilitate international trade. This publication reports on the Codex year and is produced in conjunction with the 42nd Codex Alimentarius Commission held in Geneva 8-12 July 2019.
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetSupport World Food Safety Day 2018When countries strengthen their regulatory, scientific and technological capacities to ensure that food is safe and of the expected quality throughout the food chain, they move towards more sustainable patterns of food production and consumption, thereby contributing to achieving, among others, SDG2, SDG3, SDG8 and SDG12 in the context of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. A UN World Food Safety Day will raise awareness and inspire actions to strengthen food safety.
Book (stand-alone)Layman’s guide to food safety in Asia and the Pacific – Introduction to the food safety toolkit
Food safety technical toolkit for Asia and the Pacific No. 1
2021Also available in:
Food safety is a fundamental element of food security. To provide safe foods, food safety has to be connected to all the other elements that touch it and surround it. In our ever-changing world, these elements may remain scattered, neglected or unclear. This document provides a layman’s introduction to many food safety topics that are currently observed in the area, providing a list of possible documentation to rely on and asking to the readers some questions that cannot have one unique answer, but that rather invite for reflection on what can be done at the national level. This guide also serves as an index to the entire food safety toolkit, a collection of written materials on the less mainstream topics of food safety, but on which the readers are invited to read more detail and reflect. The contents are reported in the form of a small and unconventional handbook that aims at being referred to regularly by, and within easy of access of, those who interact daily with food safety.
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