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FPMA Bulletin #6, 11 July 2016

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    Journal, magazine, bulletin
    FPMA Bulletin #11. 10 December 2015
    Monthly Report on Food Price Trends
    International prices of wheat and maize generally declined in November and were lower than a year earlier. Overall, ample global supplies and weak export demand weighed on quotations. The FAO Rice Price Index remained on a decreasing trend, influenced by declines in Japonica and Aromatic rice prices. In Southern Africa, maize prices rose further in November and doubled their year-earlier levels in some markets, reflecting tight market supplies due to a sharp subregional production decline in 20 15. Dry conditions affecting the start of the 2016 crop season and a general depreciation of domestic currencies in the subregion added to upward pressure on prices. In East Africa, significant cereal price increases were observed in most countries of the subregion in November. Prices reached exceptionally high levels in South Sudan, due to the current economic downturn, as well as in Uganda and the United Republic of Tanzania, as a result of sustained regional demand and reduced harvests this year. In the Caribbean, below-average harvests due to prolonged dry weather associated with the El Niño phenomenon underpinned prices in November. In Haiti, prices of domestically-produced maize and beans were well above those of a year earlier, while in the Dominican Republic prices of beans were some 40 percent higher than at the same time last year.
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    Journal, magazine, bulletin
    FPMA Bulletin #5, 9 June 2016
    Monthly Report on Food Price Trends
    International prices of wheat showed mixed trends in April, but remained lower than a year earlier mostly reflecting good prospects for 2016 production. By contrast, maize export quotations generally increased, supported by solid export demand and concerns about 2016 production prospects in South America. In Asia, rice prices increased in exporting countries in April amid expectations of reduced 2015 secondary crops, due to dry weather associated with the El Niño phenomenon. In South Africa, pri ces of white maize continued to decline from the record levels of February with the ongoing harvest but were still high year‑on‑year, underpinned by tight supplies and poor crop prospects. In Nigeria, the currency weakness triggered further increases in domestic coarse grain prices, with those of sorghum at record highs. Steep price increases were also recorded in South Sudan. In Argentina, strong exports, supported by the weak local currency and the recent elimination of export taxes, underpinn ed prices of maize which were at record highs in April and pushed prices of wheat to double their year-earlier levels. Similarly, in Brazil, maize prices were mainly underpinned by rising exports but also sustained domestic demand from the feed industry.
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    Journal, magazine, bulletin
    FPMA Bulletin #1. 10 February 2016
    Monthly Report on Food Price Trends
    Abundant supplies and strong export competition kept international grain prices low, with quotations of wheat and maize in January averaging well below their year-earlier levels. International rice prices followed mixed trends depending on the origin. In Southern Africa, maize prices increased sharply in Malawi and South Africa, and also strengthened in Zambia, reaching record highs in all three countries in January. This mostly reflects expectations of a steep reduction of the 2016 maize harves ts due to drought conditions on top of the already tight domestic market supplies. Weaker currencies in the subregion exacerbated the price increases. In South America, cereal prices remained under upward pressure in January and at high levels in several countries, mainly due to the depreciation of the national currencies. In Argentina and Brazil, domestic prices of yellow maize were at record highs, well above their values in January last year.

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