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气候变化对渔业和水产养殖的影响 ― 当前科学知识概览

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    Book (series)
    水产养殖的发展. 2009
    水产养殖是世界上增长最快的食品生产系统之一,目前其大部分产量来自发 展中国家,预计水产养殖业将继续为促进粮食安全和减轻贫困作出贡献。世界各 地绝大多数水产养殖方法带来了重要的营养和社会效益,而造成的环境成本一般 很少或没有。尽管如此,至关重要的是将发展中国家和发达国家未来水产养殖业 的成功作为当前的努力目标,潜在的社会和环境问题得到适当解决,以确保水产 养殖的可持续发展。本文件对《负责任渔业行为守则》第9条的原则作出注释。 这些注释旨在提供总的指导,并作为建议或意见,用来帮助那些有意制定自己的 标准和行动方案的各方,促进伙伴之间开展合作,支持水产养殖业的可持续发 展。在分配水产养殖可持续发展的责任时,对合作的承诺、负责任的伙伴之间开 展的建设性对话、养殖者及其社区的参与是非常重要的。为水产养殖的可持续发 展提供有利环境的责任方是各国政府及其机构的人员、社会和自然科学家、媒 体、金融机构、特殊利益集团,包括社会和私营部门的组织,以及水产养殖生产 者、投入物的制造商和供应商、水产养殖产品的加工商和贸易商。
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    Book (series)
    渔业委员会 水产养殖分委员会 第四届会议报告 2008年10月6-10日, 智利维拉斯港 2009
    The fourth session of the Committee on Fisheries Sub-Committee on Aquaculture was held in Puerto Varas, Chile, from 6 to 10 October 2008 at the kind invitation of the Government of Chile. It was attended by 38 Members of FAO, by representatives from one specialized agency of the United Nations and by observers from six intergovernmental and three international non-governmental organizations. Several working documents, including Technical guidelines on aquaculture certification, Towards better go vernance in aquaculture and Opportunities for addressing the challenges in meeting the rising global demand for food fish from aquaculture, were presented by the Secretariat for information, discussion and decision by the Sub-Committee. The Secretariat also held a special event on the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department’s Special Programme for Aquaculture Development in Africa (SPADA). All technical documents presented and the activities conducted were well received. The Sub-Committee reque sted the Secretariat to ensure the implementation of priority activities during the intersessional period. The Sub-Committee expressed its appreciation to the Government and people of Chile for their hospitality and the excellent facilities provided for the session. The Sub-Committee agreed that its next session should be held in 2010 and appreciated the offer made by the Government of Thailand to host it.
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    Book (series)
    Hatchery culture of bivalves - A practical manual (chinese version) 2006
    This manual is a synthesis of current methodologies pertinent to the intensive hatchery culture of bivalve molluscs. It encompasses similarities and differences in approach in rearing clams, oysters and scallops in different climatic zones. All aspects of the culture process are described together with basic considerations in choosing a site for hatchery development and in the design of a suitable facility. The content also includes the post-hatchery handling of larvae in remote setting and also of spat in both land- and sea-based nurseries. It is intended to assist both technicians entering this field as well as entrepreneurs researching investment opportunities in bivalve culture.

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