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EU Transversal support to country implementation - Eswatini

Enhanced Capacity for Sustainable Land Administration and Management at National Regional and Chiefdom Levels

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    EU Transversal support to country implementation - Angola
    Strengthened capacity for improved governance of land tenure and natural resources by local government in partnership with non state actors in the Central Highlands of Angola
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    Angola is facing a delicate economic situation, due to the drop in crude oil prices, which is negatively affecting the balance of payment, and is leading to an end of subsidies, increased local prices, and devaluation of national currency. Effective recognition of customary land rights is still a challenge in Angola, as in many other African countries. Although customary land rights of the traditional rural communities are expressly recognized in the 2004 National Land Law, very few communities in Angola have been able to register their land. Rural communities’ claims for land regularization have been often treated with a mix of mistrust and discrimination: as a result, less than 0.1 percent of the territory is currently registered under customary land titles.
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    EU Transversal support to country implementation - The Sudan
    Promoting the Provision of Legitimate Land Tenure Rights Using VGGT in the Context of National Food Security for conflict-displaced communities, including small‐scale rural farmers, pastoralists, and IDPs in the Greater Darfur region of the Sudan
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    The economy of Greater Darfur is heavily reliant on farming and livestock keeping, with more than 70 percent of the population relying on traditional and subsistence agriculture, the majority of whom are dependent on rain fed agriculture and pasture for both crop and livestock production. On-going conflict in Darfur leads to problems with law and order and displacement of rural farmers, and a change in migration patterns of nomadic pastoralists. Under the current state, neither the government or customary institutions, nor any other actors alone is able to bring a solution to the complex realities of land tenure governance in Darfur. The EULGP CI aims to support the Government of the Sudan in reforming its land laws to develop practical solutions to secure access to and use of cropland, livestock routes, range and pastures including the provision of adequate and practical dispute resolution mechanisms. The intervention also aims to assist state and locality level stakeholders to promote the provision for legitimate land tenure rights to conflict displaced communities including small‐scale rural farmers, pastoralists and IDPs in the Darfur region. *EULGP CI stands for European Union Land Governance Programme – Country Implementation
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    EU Transversal support to country implementation - Somalia
    Rebuilding confidence on land issues in Somalia
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    August 2013 marked the first year since the end of the Transitional Federal Government, and the birth of the first democratic Federal Republic of Somalia. This led to a wide-ranging recovery effort of the institutional capacity and structure in Somalia, which had long been in a state of collapse. Severe problems related to access to land and other natural resources, such as corruption during the process of allocation and sale of land and allocation of land rights, is a critical destabilizing element, and a serious conflict driver affecting the rebuilding efforts in Somalia. Additionally, the challenge of recognition and protection of legitimate land rights of vulnerable people, of whom the majority are women, was highlighted in the analysis of women’s and Somali minorities’ land and territorial rights.

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