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活动报告之第, 177 号

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    粮农组织的战略工作 可持续粮食和农业 2017
    粮农组织推动向可持 续、气候适应型农业政策和 治理机制过渡,与各国合作 审查其政策和投资战略,帮 助各国调整政策和方案,以 此支持实施《2030 年可持 续发展议程》以及关于气候 变化的《巴黎协定》。
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    Book (stand-alone)
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    本书全面审议了所有发展中国家的行业领导者常常使用的模式、工具和方法。借助许多丰富的例子进行描述、分析和阐述,以说明这些模式、工具和方法是如何运作、吸取经验教训以供他人借鉴。这本书以联合国粮农组织(FAO)在农业发展和融资方面丰富的经验为基础,列举了40个产业案例和5个综合案例分析以帮助学习。 本书是农业企业领导和工作在农业领域的技术人员、银行家和合作领导,以及非政府组织和小额信贷行业工作者、研究者和政策制定者的必备读物。
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    Working document from the FAO rapid appraisal mission. Quality standards for fruits, vegetables and pork meat in China and Hong Kong 2007
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    By invitation of the Ministry of Agriculture of China, FAO has conducted a rapid appraisal of the quality management systems for fruits, vegetables and pork meat in China and Hong Kong. This working document presents the findings of the mission. It gives a rapid appraisal of the different quality management systems elaborated by both public and private sectors to manage the food quality standards investigated during the mission. It presents the results of a SWOT analysis by different stakehol ders of the supply chains investigated by the appraisal mission. The document also reports the findings of a national workshop of Chinese experts convened by the Ministry of Agriculture and FAO to clarify the structure of the food quality management system in China and to propose actions to be initiated in order to face the threats confronted by the food quality management system, as identified by the SWOT analysis.

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