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Nutrition-sensitive investments in agriculture and food systems

Budget analysis guidance note

​FAO. 2020. Nutrition-sensitive investments in agriculture and food systems – Budget analysis guidance note. Rome.

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    Strengthening Capacities for Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture and Food Systems in India and Sub-Saharan Africa - GCP/INT/714/GER 2023
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    The role of agriculture and food systems in improving nutrition is recognized as central to sustainable development. However, the majority of planners and managers involved in the development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of food system and agriculture policies and programmes have a limited understanding of nutrition issues, agriculture's role in addressing these issues and practical entry points and interventions that can be used to enhance the nutritional impact of food and agriculture policies and programmes . The present project sought to integrate nutrition into policies and programmes beyond the traditional focus on food production. In that purpose, collaborations with academic and training institutions in sub Saharan Africa and India were forged to strengthen capacities of both individuals and organizations, thereby creating an enabling environment for nutrition policies. Through three outputs, the current project implemented capacity building activities, allowing institutions and practitioners to design and implement nutrition sensitive agricultural policies and programmes , as well as effective nutrition education strategies. The project’s activities were implemented in Côte d’Ivoire, India, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Senegal, the United Republic of Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe. The development of global products included assessments and piloting in Chile and Tajikistan.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Nutrition-sensitive agriculture and food systems in practice-Revised edition 2017
    This publication provides a list of food system-based intervention options to improve nutrition and a set concrete entry points for maximizing the impact of each intervention. Developed through leveraging different expertise in FAO, it is a key resource to assist professionals involved in different areas - from breeding to production; from food transformation and packaging to transportation and trade; from marketing and value chain to food safety; from food labelling to consumer education - to u nderstand the linkages with nutrition, and to increase their contribution for a world free from malnutrition in all its forms.
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    Promoting Nutrition-Sensitive Food Systems through a Multistakeholder Approach - GCP/GLO/712/JPN 2020
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    Eliminating malnutrition in all its forms is imperative to breaking the intergenerational cycle of poverty and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. To ensure that food systems support healthy diets and better nutrition, it is necessary to strengthen the knowledge base and capacities of key stakeholders. With funding from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) of Japan, FAO is implementing a project in Ghana, Kenya and Viet Nam, with the overall goal of developing the capacities of relevant academic institutions and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in these countries to promote and adopt nutrition-sensitive approaches that contribute to making food systems conducive to healthy diets. The three expected Outputs can be summarized as follows: (i) to improve capacities of nutrition- and food science-oriented universities to transfer skills and competencies on nutrition-sensitive food systems and value chains; (ii) to scale up the capacities of SMEs to adopt nutrition-sensitive business approaches and practices through multistakeholder collaboration, including the private sector, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs), and academia; and (iii) to develop an e-learning course targeting SMEs for the improvement of knowledge and skills on nutritionsensitive food systems, which will be disseminated in the targeted countries and worldwide.

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