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Science, innovation and digital transformation at the service of food safety

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    Update on the FAO Science and Innovation Strategy – Information Note 1 – December 2021
    Thirty-sixth Session of the FAO Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific (APRC 36)
    This Information Note provides an update since the publication of the outline and roadmap document (CL 168/22) submitted to the Programme Committee and the Council, given that some of the elements contained in it have since evolved. Regional consultations on science and innovation have been held in all regions and a brief description is included below. The updated roadmap is presented in Figure 1.
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    Status of digital agriculture in 47 sub-Saharan African countries 2022
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    Sub-Saharan Africa is uniquely positioned significantly increase its current agricultural productivity to lift the region’s more than 400 million people out of extreme poverty and improve the livelihood of approximately 250 million smallholder farmers and pastoralists in the region. To achieve that, substantive digital transformation of the agriculture sector is required through improved infrastructure and increased access to and use of digital technologies for agriculture. To improve the current understanding of sub-Saharan Africa’s digital agriculture landscape, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) undertook this study in 47 countries. The report is composed of 47 desk-based country case studies against six thematic focal areas, the aim of which is to present a snapshot of the status of digital agriculture in each country. This is followed by highlights of the main findings of the analysis of the country profiles with suggested steps for future action. The findings of the study are presented to FAO and ITU Member States, as well as all relevant stakeholders with the purpose of advancing and supporting investment in digital transformation of the agricultural sector in sub-Saharan Africa.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Science, innovation et transformation numérique au service de la sécurité sanitaire des aliments 2018
    Les progrès scientifiques, les innovations techniques et l'application des technologies numériques peuvent contribuer à une transformation structurelle à grande échelle des systèmes alimentaires. Dans le domaine de la sécurité sanitaire des aliments et du contrôle des processus, comme dans d'autres domaines, le rythme du progrès technique est si rapide qu'il est difficile de savoir comment exploiter au maximum les outils qui en découlent et les réglementer. Sachant qu’il est nécessaire de produire des aliments de plus en plus sains sous la pression des mutations démographiques et alimentaires et du changement climatique, des innovations telles que les nouvelles méthodes d'analyse, les biotechnologies de correction de séquence génomique et les nouveaux moyens de produire des aliments peuvent faciliter la mise en place de systèmes alimentaires plus efficaces et résilients. Parallèlement, d'importants progrès scientifiques, comme le séquençage complet du génome (SCG), laissent penser qu’on pourra non seulement mieux cerner, caractériser, déterminer et contrer les risques potentiels mais aussi prévenir et réduire les aléas qui pèsent sur la chaîne alimentaire.

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