附 件

附件1. 农业粮食体系就业的分类、数据来源和区域数据估算

附件表1.1 基于ISIC代码的农业粮食体系活动

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注:* 农业粮食体系在贸易和运输总额中所占比例依据下文所述方法估算:Davis, B., Mane, E., Gurbuzer, L.Y., Caivano, G., Piedrahita, N., Schneider, K., Azhar, N. et al. 2023. Estimating global and country-level employment in agrifood systems. FAO Statistics Working Paper Series, No. 23–34. Rome, FAO. https://doi.org/10.4060/cc4337en


附件图1.1 在农业粮食体系就业的比例,RuLIS与劳工组织统计数据库数据对比

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资料来源: Costa, V., Piedrahita, N., Mane, E., Davis, B., Slavchevska, V. & Gurbuzer, Y. L. (forthcoming). Women’s employment in agrifood systems. Background paper for The status of women in agrifood systems, 2023. Rome, FAO.

附件图1.2 2005年和2019年按性别分列的农业粮食体系就业人数占总就业人数的比例

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资料来源: Costa, V., Piedrahita, N., Mane, E., Davis, B., Slavchevska, V. & Gurbuzer, Y. L. (forthcoming). Women’s employment in agrifood systems. Background paper for The status of women in agrifood systems, 2023. Rome, FAO.

附件2. 关于女性赋权与营养之间联系的详细结果

附件表2.1 妇女农业自主权指数(WEAI)与儿童饮食和营养成果

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注:§表示指标的连续性;* 表示差距测量。白色阴影表示结果不显著;灰色阴影表示未测量或包括在A-WEAI测量中。
DDS – 膳食多样化评分;HAZ – 年龄别身高z得分; WAZ – 年龄别体重z得分; WHZ – 身高别体重z得分;WLZ – 身高别体重z得分。
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Bonis-Profumo, G., Stacey, N. & Brimblecombe, J. 2021. Measuring women’s empowerment in agriculture, food production, and child and maternal dietary diversity in Timor-Leste. Food Policy, 102: 102102. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodpol.2021.102102
Clement, F., Buisson, M.-C., Leder, S., Balasubramanya, S., Saikia, P., Bastakoti, R., Karki, E. & van Koppen, B. 2019. From women’s empowerment to food security: Revisiting global discourses through a cross-country analysis. Global Food Security, 23: 160–172. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gfs.2019.05.003
Cunningham, K., Ploubidis, G.B., Menon, P., Ruel, M., Kadiyala, S., Uauy, R. & Ferguson, E., 2015. Women’s empowerment in agriculture and child nutritional status in rural Nepal. Public Health Nutrition, 18(17), pp.3134-3145. https://doi.rg/10.1017/S1368980015000683
Holland, C. & Rammohan, A. 2019. Rural women’s empowerment and children’s food and nutrition security in Bangladesh. World Development, 124: 104648. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2019.104648
Malapit, H. & Quisumbing, A. 2015. What dimensions of women’s empowerment in agriculture matter for nutrition in Ghana? Food Policy, 52: 54–63. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodpol.2015.02.003
Malapit, H., Sraboni, E., Quisumbing, A.R. & Ahmed, A.U. 2019. Intrahousehold empowerment gaps in agriculture and children’s well-being in Bangladesh. Development Policy Review, 37(2), pp.176-203. https://doi.org/10.1111/dpr.12374
Quisumbing, A., Sproule, K., Martinez, E.M. & Malapit, H. 2021. Do tradeoffs among dimensions of women’s empowerment and nutrition outcomes exist? Evidence from six countries in Africa and Asia. Food Policy, 100: 102001. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodpol.2020.102001
Sraboni, E. & Quisumbing, A. 2018. Women’s empowerment in agriculture and dietary quality across the life course: Evidence from Bangladesh. Food Policy, 81: 21–36. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodpol.2018.09.001
Zereyesus, Y.A., Amanor-Boadu, V., Ross, K.L. and Shanoyan, A. 2017. Does women’s empowerment in agriculture matter for children’s health status? Insights from Northern Ghana. Social Indicators Research, 132, pp.1265-1280. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11205-016-1328-z

附件表2.2 妇女农业自主权指数(WEAI)与女性的饮食和营养成果

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注:§表示指标的连续性;† 表示改进的WEAI版本。白色阴影表示结果不显著;灰色阴影表示未测量或包括在A-WEAI测量中。
BMI -体重指数;DDS -饮食多样性得分。
Bonis-Profumo, G., Stacey, N. & Brimblecombe, J. 2021. Measuring women’s empowerment in agriculture, food production, and child and maternal dietary diversity in Timor-Leste. Food Policy, 102: 102102. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodpol.2021.102102
Gupta, S., Vemireddy, V., Singh, D. & Pingali, P. 2019. Adapting the Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index to specific country context: Insights and critiques from fieldwork in India. Global Food Security, 23, pp.245-255. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gfs.2019.09.002
Kassie, M., Fisher, M., Muricho, G. & Diiro, G. 2020. Women’s empowerment boosts the gains in dietary diversity from agricultural technology adoption in rural Kenya. Food Policy, 95: 101957. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodpol.2020.101957
Malapit, H. & Quisumbing, A. 2015. What dimensions of women’s empowerment in agriculture matter for nutrition in Ghana? Food Policy, 52: 54–63. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodpol.2015.02.003
Onah, M.N., Horton, S. & Hoddinott, J. 2021. What empowerment indicators are important for food consumption for women? Evidence from 5 sub-Sahara African countries. PLOS ONE, 16(4): e0250014. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0250014
Quisumbing, A., Sproule, K., Martinez, E.M. & Malapit, H. 2021. Do tradeoffs among dimensions of women’s empowerment and nutrition outcomes exist? Evidence from six countries in Africa and Asia. Food Policy, 100: 102001. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodpol.2020.102001
Ross, K.L., Zereyesus, Y., Shanoyan, A. & Amanor-Boadu, V. 2015. The health effects of women empowerment: recent evidence from Northern Ghana. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 18(1030-2016-83056), pp.127-143. http://dx.doi.org/10.22004/ag.econ.197777
Sraboni, E. & Quisumbing, A. 2018. Women’s empowerment in agriculture and dietary quality across the life course: Evidence from Bangladesh. Food Policy, 81: 21–36. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodpol.2018.09.001
Sraboni, E., Malapit, H., Quisumbing, A. & Ahmed, A.U. 2014. Women’s empowerment in agriculture: What role for food security in Bangladesh? World Development, 61: 11–52. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2014.03.025

附件表2.3 妇女农业自主权指数(WEAI)与男性的饮食和营养成果

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BMI -体重指数;DDS -饮食多样性得分。
Sraboni, E. & Quisumbing, A. 2018. Women’s empowerment in agriculture and dietary quality across the life course: Evidence from Bangladesh. Food Policy, 81: 21–36. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodpol.2018.09.001
Sraboni, E., Malapit, H., Quisumbing, A. & Ahmed, A.U. 2014. Women’s empowerment in agriculture: What role for food security in Bangladesh? World Development, 61: 11–52. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2014.03.025

附件表2.4 妇女农业自主权指数(WEAI)与家庭饮食和营养成果

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DDS -饮食多样性得分。
Clement, F., Buisson, M.-C., Leder, S., Balasubramanya, S., Saikia, P., Bastakoti, R., Karki, E. & van Koppen, B. 2019. From women’s empowerment to food security: Revisiting global discourses through a cross-country analysis. Global Food Security, 23: 160–172. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gfs.2019.05.0036 1
Holland, C. & Rammohan, A. 2019. Rural women’s empowerment and children’s food and nutrition security in Bangladesh. World Development, 124: 104648. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2019.104648
Murugani, V.G. & Thamaga-Chitja, J.M. 2019. How does women’s empowerment in agriculture affect household food security and dietary diversity? The case of rural irrigation schemes in Limpopo Province, South Africa. Agrekon, 58(3): 308–323. https://doi.org/10.1080/03031853.2019.1610976
Quisumbing, A., Sproule, K., Martinez, E.M. & Malapit, H. 2021. Do tradeoffs among dimensions of women’s empowerment and nutrition outcomes exist? Evidence from six countries in Africa and Asia. Food Policy, 100: 102001. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodpol.2020.102001
Sraboni, E., Malapit, H., Quisumbing, A. & Ahmed, A.U. 2014. Women’s empowerment in agriculture: What role for food security in Bangladesh? World Development, 61: 11–52. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2014.03.025

附件3. 缩小农业生产率和工资方面的性别差距:影响评估方法





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其中,比例lorep ipsum界定了农业生产在国内生产总值中所占的比例。


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农业总产量可以分为男性掌管农场的产量lorep ipsum和女性掌管农场的产量lorep ipsum

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其中,男性(M)和女性(F)管理农场的单位产量lorep ipsum男女不同。由于女性掌管农场的面积和男性掌管农场的面积必须等于总面积,lorep ipsum,可以使用按性别区分的单位产量,对农业总产量进行分解:

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其中β是女性掌管的农场在农业用地总面积中所占的份额,lorep ipsum。使用表达式(5),女性掌管农场单位产量增加对农业产出的影响是:

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为计算女性与男性掌管农场的总体比率β,采用了如下方法:将农业普查报告的女性与男性掌管的农业土地的比率lorep ipsum,乘以女性掌管农场与男性掌管农场的平均规模之比lorep ipsum,该比率是通过家庭调查估计的,大约等于0.69。

附件表3.1 缩小农业生产率性别差距对国内生产总值和粮食不安全的影响

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注:LIC – 低收入国家;LMC – 中等偏上收入国家; UMC – 中等偏下收入国家; HIC – 高收入国家



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其中γ是劳动收入在国民生产总值中所占的份额,lorep ipsum


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其中δ是女性就业在全国总就业中所占的比例,lorep ipsum。因此,消除性别工资差距对国内生产总值的影响可以用表达式(10)和预期工资增长百分比来获得:lorep ipsum


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利用现有的数据来源,我们从第2章获得了关于农业粮食体系中女性就业比例的信息δAFS,而在农业粮食体系中工资的性别差距lorep ipsum无法准确衡量的情况下,假定这一差距相当于农业部门的工资差距。农业粮食体系工资对国家GDP的贡献lorep ipsum,根据现有数据更难获得。因此,我们用下面的公式估算近似值:

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附件表3.2 缩小农业粮食体系性别差距对国内生产总值和粮食不安全的影响

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注:LIC – 低收入国家;LMC – 中等偏下国家; UMC – 中等偏上国家; HIC – 高收入国家
1. Refers to 2021 data. World calculated as simple difference across countries. Source: World Development Indicators (https://databank.worldbank.org/source/world-development-indicators), Last Updated: 12/22/2022.
2. Share of holdings operated by civil persons, female. Source: FAO. 2023. Structural data from agricultural censuses. In: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAOSTAT. Rome. Cited 22 March 2023. https://www.fao.org/faostat/en/#data/WCAD
3. Anríquez, G., Quiñonez, F. & Foster, W. (forthcoming). Levelling the farm fields, A cross-country study of the determinants of gender-based yield gaps. Background paper for The status of women in agrifood systems, 2023. Rome, FAO. This study measures farm productivity gap drawing on national survey data from 11 countries in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean and Asia: Bangladesh Household Income and Expenditure Survey 2010; Ethiopian Socioeconomic Survey 2018/19; Ghana Living Standards Survey 2012/13; Guatemala Encuesta Nacional de Condiciones de Vida 2014; Cambodia Socio Economic Survey 2009; Malawi Integrated Household Survey 2017; Nicaragua Encuesta de Medición de Nivel de Vida 2014; Pakistan Social And Living Standards, Measurement Survey 2013/14; Peru Encuesta Nacional de Hogares 2019; Uganda National Panel Survey 2016; Vietnam Household Living Standard Survey 2010.
4. The income elasticities of food insecurity are estimated using the Tobit food insecurity model described in Mane, E., Macchioni, G.A., Cafiero, C. & Viviani, S. (forthcoming). Why are women more food insecure than men? Exploring socioeconomic drivers and the role of COVID-19 in widening the global gender gap. Background paper for The status of women in agrifood systems, 2023. rome, FAO. The model uses food insecurity estimates, income and other individual-level variables to estimate income elasticities for 121 countries during the period 2014-2021. Then, simple country averages are implemented to calculate income elasticities for each income group.
5. Own computations using 2019 data of the dataset constructed by Davis, B., Mane, E., Gurbuzer, L.Y., Caivano, G., Piedrahita, N., Schneider, K., Azhar, N. et al. 2023. Estimating global and country-level employment in agrifood systems. FAO Statistics Working Paper Series, No. 23-34. Rome, FAO. https://doi.org/10.4060/cc4337en
6. The share was computed based on data from ILO Harmonized Microdata (https://ilostat.ilo.org/). These were used to compute the share of wage workers in agrifood systems in each country (number of wage workers in agrifood systems/number of total persons working in agrifood systems). Data were available for 101 countries.
7. The wage gap estimate was obtained from Benali, M., Slavchevska, V., Davis, B., Piedrahita, N., Sitko, N., Nico, G. & Azzari, C. (forthcoming). Gender pay gaps among agriculture and non-agriculture wage workers: a cross-country examination. Background paper for The status of women in agrifood systems, 2023. Rome, FAO.

附件4. 关注女性赋权的发展干预措施对小规模生产者产生的效益估算方法





  • 收入至少增加10%;
  • 产出至少增加20%;
  • 进入市场情况至少得到20%的改善;
  • 至少提高20%的抵御能力;
  • 粮食安全至少提高10%;
  • 至少10%的人营养得到改善(饮食多样化)。


附件表4.1 有女性赋权内容的项目与没有女性赋权内容的标准项目的预测结果

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注:FIES – Food Insecurity Experience Scale; HDDS – Household Dietary Diversity Score. 附件4.1中的数字指的是指标改善超过前述阈值的人数。

这些结果表明,在收入、粮食不安全经历分级表衡量的粮食不安全、家庭饮食多样性和从冲击中恢复方面,所有人 — 男性和女性 — 都从女性享有更大决策权的项目中获得显著收益。另一方面,与其他调查结果一致,非女性赋权项目组参与者的农业生产率和进入市场的比例较低。这是一个合理的结果,因为大多数成功收益来自农业企业带来的机会、渔业和/或畜牧业和奶制品项目,而不是初级农业生产。

