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Millets recipe book

International Year of Millets 2023

FAO. 2023. Millets recipe book - International Year of Millets 2023. Rome.

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    Όσπρια Σύμμαχοι για μια ισορροπημένη διατροφή! 2021
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    Τα «Όσπρια Σύμμαχοι για μια ισορροπημένη διατροφή» έχουν στόχο την ευαισθητοποίηση του κοινού σχετικά με τα διατροφικά οφέλη των οσπρίων στο πλαίσιο της βιώσιμης ανάπτυξης και της επισιτιστικής ασφάλειας. Χτίζοντας απο το Διεθνές Έτος Οσπρίων (2016), η δημοσιεύση αποτελεί μια χρήσιμη πηγή πληροφοριών για ελληνόφωνους χρήστες, παραθέτει την διατροφική αξία των οσπρίων και τα οφέλη υγείας απο την κατανάλωση τους και χρήσιμες συνταγές μαγειρικής οσπρίων για τον καταναλωτή.
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    Unleashing the potential of millets
    International Year of Millets 2023. Background paper
    The United Nations General Assembly declared 2023 the International Year of Millets (IYM 2023). Millets’ diversity and ability to thrive on drylands with minimal inputs make them a valuable contribution to food security, healthy diets and nutrition in many countries. Each millet species provides different essential nutrients. They are an ideal solution for countries to improve food security and nutrition, and  contribute to transforming food systems.   IYM2023 provides an opportunity to raise awareness of and direct policy attention to millets' nutritional and health benefits and their suitability for cultivation under adverse and changing climatic conditions.  The sustainable production of millets provides opportunities for stable market linkages and decent jobs on- and off-farm-. Millets being small-grained cereals offer significant prospects for innovation in harvesting, processing and food technologies to create products attractive to consumers. This paper includes a synopsis of the current status of millets worldwide and was created to inspire policymakers, farmers, civil society, opinion leaders, research and development agents, and the general public to reconsider the role of millets in diversified and healthy diets.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    International Year of Millets 2023
    Communication handbook and toolkit
    The United Nations General Assembly at its 75th session in March 2021 declared 2023 the International Year of Millets (IYM). The IYM 2023 is an opportunity to raise awareness of, and direct policy attention to the nutritional and health benefits of millets and their suitability for cultivation under adverse and changing climatic conditions. It is an occasion to promote the sustainable production of millets while also highlighting their potential to create sustainable market opportunities for producers and consumers. The IYM communication handbook and toolkit provides background about the IYM objectives, slogan, theme, facts, key messages, calls for action and visual identity, in addition to calling for the submission of human interest stories, providing a communications toolkit and highlighting ways to get engaged in IYM celebrations.

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