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Chapitre 3
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Chapitre 4
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Annexe 1
1 Lord, S. 2023. Hidden costs of agrifood systems and recent trends from 2016 to 2023. Document d’information établi aux fins de l’élaboration de La Situation mondiale de l’alimentation et de l’agriculture 2023. Étude technique de la FAO sur l’économie du développement agricole n° 31. Rome, FAO.
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22 Lord, S. 2021. Estimation of marginal damage costs from reactive nitrogen emissions to air, surface waters and groundwater. Documentation of the SPIQ-FS Dataset Version 0. Oxford (Royaume-Uni), Environmental Change Institute, Université d'Oxford.
23 Lord, S. 2021. Estimation of marginal damage costs for loss of ecosystem services from land-use change or ecosystem degradation. Documentation of the SPIQ-FS Dataset Version 0. Oxford (Royaume-Uni), Environmental Change Institute, Université d'Oxford.
24 Lord, S. 2021. Estimations of marginal social costs for GHG emissions. Documentation of the SPIQ-FS Dataset Version 0. Oxford (Royaume-Uni), Environmental Change Institute, Université d'Oxford.
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